World Race VS Dream Job

Last week I was basically offered my dream job, I hung up the phone and cried. . wept actually. . . . My heart has been missing Austin, friends, my community, and mostly my church. . Timing of the phone call couldn’t have been presented in a more perfect light and time. . I was able to go back to Austin.

Decision Made: Austin


I leave town for five days. . . removing myself from the normal everyday scene. . different places, different people, a different experience. . . I began thinking through the ‘already decided’ decision. . . I was driving and on a talk radio show a man was discussing the conditions of Uganda. . . my heart began to break. . . I arrived to the hotel and sat down to watch the 7th game of the NBA Finals. . and found myself flipping back and forth between the game and a random news clip on Cambodia. . .I started seeing family, as they congratulated me on graduation the same question followed:

So, now that you’re done with school, What’s next? Who ya working for?

Jesus? I would say.

You see, I am called in this moment in my life to Go. What a neat way to experience and embrace what the rest of my life may hold. . this calling, is it for now. . or forever? The only way I will know is to go.

Hebrews 12:11 says:

 “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it”

The Lord is my helper. . . and I truly believe Psalm 20:4, “May he grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans”. . . I feel so much Joy. .  I am thankful that I’ve been called.