The walls are bare.
                         My closet houses 110 empty hangers.
                                                                   My dresser holds only the drawers it came with.

As I heard the Lord calling me to sell the possessions of my life, I was eager to come to the end of this experience and feel like what I did was good, obedient, and glorifying. . .

I felt nothing. I was thrilled to have been blessed and raise so much money, I found joy that others loved the ‘things’ I had, and I loved I could bless those around me. So when I say I felt nothing, I didn’t once feel sacrificial, or feel as though I was lacking anything, I didn’t wish I had it all back. . . . . I didn’t see my life any differently. . .

Until Today

As I was getting ready for my best friends graduation celebrations, I found myself humbled.  A pair of jeans, 2 somewhat nice tops, 3 pairs of shorts and T-shirts make up my wardrobe. I immediately resorted back to the normal response. . . Just go get a new one. . that’s when it hit me. . .

I am called to live differently. . to live in a way that sets me apart, which may not always be comfortable–today, I was uncomfortable. The moment I started living to please man, I felt insecure. You see, until today, I felt normal. . and then, I found myself in a position–to live differently than I have before. . or to return to my old habits. . and I chose to live differently.

This blog is not to say that buying a new outfit is sinful, nor is it saying that you should sell all of your stuff and if you don’t you’re going to hell. . . what it is saying, is that I was called to live a life set apart and to be obedient. . . and for ME this is what it looks like. . it’s uncomfortable.

It’s time to get uncomfortable. . . It’s time for The WR
What is uncomfortable for you?