And YOU Loved a people Undeserving

That’s been revealed to me throughout my life, I’ve been loved regardless of how undeserving I am of it. These past two weeks I have felt encouraged, been called crazy, confused, joyful, sad, and a million other different ways.

The Lord is showing me truly why I am doing this.

People ask me about WR all of the time, so I share with them my heart and the call God has placed in my life to care and love these people, these people whom others find to be


And the conversations always conclude with. . wow, I’d like to travel like that too. . . I think then, either they did not listen or I am not speaking clearly. . Please don’t misunderstand me, I am more than thrilled to travel (not the traveling part per se but the seeing other cultures part–>Motion sickness =death.)


My heartbeat is to Love these people. . . 

My view of this experience at the current moment is absolute certainty that I am suppose to go and speak of God’s word, to teach, to love, to hurt, cry, Laugh, learn, to grow into the person I am created to be

Call me Crazy.

When you’re completely

in LOVE with someone.

 You find yourself

doing CRAZY things

What if everyone started to live with     ETERNAL purpose?