It was a Saturday night in July. I remember it like yesterday. 

I sat in my bed crying, frustrated with the season the Lord had me in.

Why can I not relate to any of my friends?

I am so single.

I do not have a job where my degree is being used.

They are buying houses and I’m buying a pack to live out of for a year.

I’m scared. I’m exhausted. I rather hangout out with my parents than these girls I thought understood me but they just do not.

They continuously ask me to hangout but I find other things to do because I just cannot relate.


A year later it seems like I am in that same season as I leave for five more months. Except  the Lord has given me a change of heart and new perspective. I have seen the world. I have found my identity solely in the Lord. 


I have friends married with children. Newly weds. Newly engaged. Seriously dating. And me, just a girl traveling the world, spreading kingdom and depending on the Lord more and more.


This past weekend I had a chance to see every single one of those friends I mentioned in their different seasons of life. I sat at dinner looking around in literal awe. As I watched a child coloring, husbands conversing and us girls reminiscing about the good ole days. The Lord has blessed me with friends I get to learn from as they date, become wives, and parents. They learn about the world as I travel and show them how God is working in new places.


As we are in different seasons I see it as a beautiful depiction of the Body of Christ.

Different experiences, gifts and challenges to offer one another. I find myself thanking the Lord for this season. As I complete my first month of reentry, I find America to be weird, a family who continues to love me through triggers and transitions and the best of friends who do not always understand but try to. 


Update: July 26th, 2018 join me at Five Lakes Coffee Shop in Angola, Indiana with pictures, stories, and conversation.

I continue to soak in these moments with my family and friends.

i leave for training camp on August 5th and will get to meet my squad!!! 

Please pray about partnering with me through prayer and financially over the next few months!

Much love friends and family!