
My alarm goes off and I struggle to get up to go to our fire where some teammates made porridge.

The night of sleep was restless due to a thunderstorm and sleeping on the concrete ground of a random home in the village we stayed in.

I finally make it up and mentally prepare for our day ahead. Evangelizing in a new village we stepped into.

We get to lunch and I have six girls staring at me with tired faces, slouching shoulders and no ones speaking. I pray out loud for strength. Introverts that are all exhausted and we have three more hours of meeting new people as we invite them to our service that evening and share Gods love

With the Lords strength we make it. As we literally star fish on the ground as Alexis celebrates saying ”we just did 7 hours of evangelizing.”

I smile because praise the Lord we made it. Two hours and we will begin our night service. Just enough time for dinner over a fire and a little relaxation.

7pm comes. We begin singing as a group and then people begin showing up. Dosson speaks on Gods power and love. 7 ladies ask for Christ to become apart of their lives. We stand in a circle to pray and it becomes dancing and singing to the Lord. I step out of the circle,smile, tears forming in my eyes. The Lord whispering “Brit they are so worth it.”

He wasn’t saying they were worth just those 7 hours of evangelizing. He was talking about how they were so worth dying on the cross for.

7 teammates.

7 hours of evangelizing.

7 ladies came to know Christ.