Hey all, it has literally been YEARS!!!!


Since coming home from the World Race and Squad Leading the Lord has blessed me tremendously.

  • I received my Masters in Social Work


  • I bought a house.


  • I have a job at Parkview Hospital and also The Shepherds House, working with Homeless Veterans who are addicts. 


  • I have been able to serve in different ministries within my city.


  • The Lord has given me the absolute best girl gang community and church that truly challenges me in my faith. 


With all of this, my mission heart has not went away and I don’t think it ever will as Life Is Ministry, Ministry is Life.



Last Sunday I sat in church waiting for the pastor to mention anything about Ukraine, Russia, and the events taking place in Europe. He ends his sermon on 1 Thessalonians 2 and then it begins. My heart starts pounding and I just begin praying as everyone around me prays as well. “Lord how can I help? I just want to be there with the refugees.” Then out of no where the Lord revealed that I do know many people in the surrounding countries. He specifically highlighted Raul in Romania. On Tuesday, I contacted him to see who he is connected with and how I could serve in this situation. By the afternoon I am telling my family that I must leave for a month to Romania, quit my job and fundraise 1,500 dollars. It sounded insane but my constant prayer was “Lord, if this is from you, continue to open doors.”


So now, my journey begins. I fly out March 30th and return to the states, April 27th, 2022. My friend Emjay and I will be partnering with Hope Church in Romania. As of right now this church has been helping transport refugees from border to border (depending on their visas), providing food and what ever other needs come on a daily basis. I would love your support through prayers, finances and following along as I continue to be obedient to where the Lord calls me. 



Airplane Ticket: $650


Baggage: $120


Train Ticket: $40


Lodging: $10 per day (27 days)


Food: $12 per day (29 days)


Covid Test: $50


TOTAL: $1,478


My heart is to always be a good steward of what the Lord has given me. With whatever extra money I receive I would put towards my two payments (car/mortgage) back in the states and the rest would be given to Hope Church as they continue to serve the refugees. 


Ways to Donate:


Venmo: @BritBusiness32


PayPal: [email protected] 


By Mail: Please email [email protected] for a private mailing address for cash/checks.