Dear My Ex Boyfriend’s Future Wife,
I prayed for you this morning. Yeah I know it, doesn’t make sense. Please let me explain to you. I sit on the cement, watching the sun rise, reading 1 Corinthians 6 in Alba Iulia, Romania. You are probably wondering why Romania. Well, you see I came on this 11 month mission trip to spread the gospel but also work on my relationship with the Lord. I was asked to make a list of things I wanted to accomplish in these 11 months. One answer was healing from lust. Yeah, quite a lot to take in I am sure.
If you are unaware 1 Corinthians 6 is about sexual immorality. So there I sit listing names of men I should not have even touched because of you. Yes you sweet woman. The wife of the gentleman I did not have self control with. I was a stumbling block to him at one point in his life and now he has to tell you what happened. So there I sit praying for you.
I prayed that if you do not know God that you would come to know Him. Because my sister, He is your forever Father. He loves you beyond words and is someone to lean on while you carry guilt and shame. He will set you free and is faithful.
I prayed that you would show your future husband grace. Grace for the mistakes he made and the times he let physical attraction become more important than his future wife. Grace for not waiting on your wedding day where your flesh became one.
I prayed for him. I prayed that he would forgive me. The kind of forgiveness where he does not have to walk with hate or regret. I prayed that he would tell you every mistake that ever occurred and apologize. I prayed that he would become the Godly husband that can lead your household. That he would also be healed from lust.
I also prayed for your marriage. That you two would glorify our God as one. That you hear Gods voice and listen. Not only listen but also be obedient to His plan. That when people see your marriage they see the love of Jesus. I prayed for your children and that you would raise them in the church but also that society would not rob them of their innocence.
I prayed for you today. Not because I know you but because I hurt you. I disrespected your husband. I disrespected your marriage. I disrespected something that is sacred. For that, I am sorry.
You are flabbergasted aren’t you? A random woman writing you a letter to tell you she prayed for you. I know it is strange. You see though, I had to write you because I want you to know where I am coming from. That I am sincerely sorry for what happened in the past. That just because of my interactions/mistakes/wrong doings, do not hold it against your husband. It was just as much my fault as his but let there be grace. Let there be no comparison or insecurities. You two were made for each other. God handpicked the two of you to become one. What a beautiful picture that is. Let it be known that my God (hopefully yours too) forgave us. He wrapped us up in His open arms. He let chains be broken.
I prayed for you this morning and I will continue doing so.
Your Prayer Warrior