6:30 on Sunday morning I walk towards the hiking trails, coffee in hand and just asking the Lord to get me through the next six hours so I can sleep once the campers leave.
“He just said we need to keep the pace of those in front. Look at George, he is already limping.” Cait explains as we both look at him and wait for the stragglers to move ahead of us.
I have seen George all weekend but have not talked to him. George is a stalky over weight boy whose clothes are a little too tight for him. He has a lot of friends and is always smiling.
I notice his shoes and walk up to him.
“Hey bud, lets fix your shoes.”
Imagine a young boy, late for the hike and he is trying to get his shoes on and run towards the people.
The tongue of his shoes are what he is stepping on. One shoe is tied. The other one knotted with strings hanging down.
I lean down and tie them. He looks up and sees the mountain.
He sighs. “Maam are we climbing up to the top of that mountain? I am scared of heights I cannot do that.”
“Its okay buddy, we aren’t going the whole way. I promise it is going to be fun.”
He instantly trusts me and we begin to walk. We begin talking about his siblings and family back home. We talk about camp and he says he wants to live here and he hopes to come back next year.
As we move up the mountain he begins to lose his breath. He begins sweating and stops a few times.
We get closer to the group. There are some rocks and he keeps moving but does not know what steps to take.
“Ma’am I’m so scared. I’m so scared.” George says under his breath.
“It’s ok. We are on land. Nothing is going to happen to you. Stop for a second and look at this view.”
He stops and turns around.
“Do you see this view? God made this for you. Its beautiful right.”
“Yes ma’am.”
He makes it to his group and sits with his friends. On the way down I stay behind and we walk and talk together. My heart exploding inside because this boy faced his fears, trusted me, the Lord and did something he would have never done if he was not at camp.
Later in the morning he leaves and I get a hug. I tell my team about my experience and how it was honestly the highlight of my day.
If you know me, you know that usually on a hike I am in the front, leading the group. I am usually early to wherever I need to be but Sunday morning I was late and in no hurry. God orchestrated this beautiful meeting with George. I had the chance to be in the back. Fix his shoes, walk him up the mountain and hear his story. I might have been the one teaching this weekend but George taught me about courageousness and learning to take one step at a time.