“She does nails. You can go and get your nails done for very cheap” A world racer was explaining as she took me to a long term Refugee home. I met sweet Nadia the next day and instantly felt connected. 


EmJay and I scheduled nail appointments and went to the home on Tuesday. As we sat and talked a plane flew over the home. Instant tears started running down her face. 


“Airplanes still bother me from the bombs in Ukraine. It scares me.”


Emjay and myself instantly looked at each-other and translated back that we can only imagine and we are here for her. For the next two hours we were able to get to know her story. Her husband and brother in law remain in Ukraine fighting the war. She was on her way to Italy although felt that Hope Church was so helpful and supportive she stayed in Craiova with her two daughters.


In Ukraine she rented a space for a nail salon. When she left she brought all of her nail supplies with her in hopes of continuing her skills. Now she works inside the home looking for clients and relying on missionaries.


As we left Nadia said thank you and gave us hugs. In that moment it felt like she needed safety. She was able to cry and hold on to a hug. For me, I thought about the fact I was not supposed to meet her. She was supposed to be in Italy. The Lord allowed us to meet and for an instant, feel emotions I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced.




“You will meet him soon. He is in the city today getting paper work done to move to Canada.”


The very next day I met Alexander. Alexander is Ukrainian and because he has three children he was able to leave with his family. 


Every day he shows up to the office ready to help. He tells us what to buy at the store, translate for the refugees and is constantly helping with logistics. Alexander was able to leave but I see his heart for his people. He advocates and makes sure that what Hope Church is doing brings purpose and is culturally appropriate. 


The question I often ask is what will Hope Church do with out him? He has brought connection, service and cultural awareness to the ministry and soon he will leave for Canada. Pray that he receives his work visa soon. 

Life Updates:

Our time thus far has been amazing!!!

We are constantly on the move and working long hours. 

Thank you soooo much for your prayers. We received our luggage on Saturday!

Sunday we held a space for the refugees to express their feelings on everything they have went through. This was followed by networking and understanding what jobs they want in Romania so we can help them to begin acclimating into this new country and culture. 


I do not have my regular phone number. Please email me at [email protected] or message me on Messenger!!


Prayer Requests: 

We are currently on the way to the border to drop off 8 car loads of food, clothing and other necessities. Pray for travels and safety!!

The refugees hearts as they process their trauma and grieve. 

Going from living alone to now living with other humans again is draining. Please pray for my heart as I navigate this and live with people I just met.