You thought ATL meant the Atlanta Airport, didn’t you?

No worries I thought that too until the World Race.
ATL will forever mean Ask The Lord now.

Ask The Lord is pretty self explanatory but it also means taking the day and asking God what He wants that day to look like in ministry.

Well today we experienced ATL.


We took our bibles and journals into the chapel and spent time with Jesus. We all had different ways of asking God what He wanted from us.

I asked the Lord if He wanted me to see a vision, a color, a specific scripture, or just walk around.

I sat in His stillness and He said Job.

At first I was skeptical.

“God why Job? Job is my favorite book in the Old Testament. I know this book well. What is reading Job going to show about the tasks at hand today?”

I opened my bible up and just read through the first 5 chapters.

I prayed to Jesus after and once again asked

“What do you want me to do with this?”

Job 4:12 “A word was secretly brought to me, my ears caught a whisper of it. 

He responded with farming.

We then circled around as a team and shared what the Lord was speaking.

I decided to go to some farms near by with two teammates. We went to a farm and stood outside. I was too scared to open the fence and did not really know how.

Then a girl came out of the farmhouse and walked towards us. She welcomed us in. She spoke english. We talked to her about what we were doing and she explained that she was a muslim but did not really practice. I told her the story of Job and you know what she said?
“I have seen a video on Job. He is the one who was a farmer, He lost everything and still believed in his faith afterwards.”

“Yes that’s the one.” I responded.

For those who do not know a huge difference between Islam and Christianity is that Islam does not believe in the Trinity. The little girl explained that the story of Job was in the Quran which honestly surprised me. We continued to talk to her and invited her to get coffee with us. She was unable to today but scheduled a time for Thursday.

Before we left we asked if we could pray for her. Unfortunately she denied it because of her islamic beliefs.

So as soon as we left we prayed on the corner of her street. We prayed that their farm would prosper but mostly that she would find Jesus’s love through us or her friend that is also a Christian.

ATL is such a new concept for my team and I but it is amazing to see how God took this morning and worked through specific scripture.

I ask for prayers that Thursday we can speak truth to her and love on her like Jesus.



“He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed miracles that cannot be counted.”

Job 5:9