Well I have officially been home for ten days since training camp and I have to fill you in.
I waited to post a blog because I needed to decompress. I had hours of processing to do in regards to the amazing things God did at training camp but also it was emotionally and physically draining. I cannot say it was spiritually draining because it was actually quite the opposite. Fulfilling.

First, I just want to lay out a little bit of what training camp looked like. We were awake and busy from 7 AM to 9 PM every day. We took baby wipe and bucket showers, ate family style meals, worshipped, dug deep into our own selves and relationships that affected us, played games, had field scenarios (different sleeping situations), learned about cultures, and for me personally, I learned how to listen to the Holy Spirit.

Squad Goals. Team Goals.
I feel like this pretty much sums up the 41 other humans I get to live with over the next year. Each of them have different strengths and qualities that are huge attributes to X-Squad. Over the ten days I was able to spend with them I got to hear their stories, share mine, cry, laugh and worship Jesus with them. It was amazing to be with brothers and sisters that are there for the same purpose which is simply to share the gospel and love of Jesus Christ. I left training camp with this sense that I knew these people longer than just ten days. I felt loved, heard, challenged, and safe in this community and it excites me to reunite with them.

Gender Retreat Day.
June 11th, 2017
This specific day will be forever engrained in my heart. I went into training camp with this idea that I absolutely needed to be on a team with guys. I love girl time but I also love to be with the bros every once and awhile. Gender Retreat day is where the men go on a hike, talk Jesus and dig deeper into being men of God…where women do the same thing but stay on campus. During the first session that day we talked about how as women we need to stick together. We cannot be against each other because then it gives the rest of the world this idea that it is okay. After that sermon I wrote in my journal what I had learned. The first sentence says “ being on an all girls team sounded awful but through this sermon I realize the power it could have for people/myself/my team.”
The second sermon that day was on shame and guilt, the difference between these and talking about our specific shame that we carry. For me I knew my shame. I have carried it with me since October 26th, 2011 and it spiraled into questions of my worthiness. For six years I questioned my self-worth in all realms of life. After the sermon we broke off into groups and shared our shame. I felt this peace I had never felt before. I felt free. I felt worthy of Gods love. That shame is continuing to leave.
Lastly, the women of X squad made a list of what we wanted to commit to for the next year…and beyond. Our mentor shared her testimony and explained that this next year is our honeymoon with Jesus. It took me a minute to comprehend this completely but that is absolutely what I want this next year to be. I want to be solely focused on Him
This day had a lot of feels to sum it up. Although the one thing that I learned through it was that I absolutely needed to be on an all girls team. I am at a point in my life where I cannot be as vulnerable with men or trust them. I think starting on an all girls team will help my walk with Jesus and the mission.

Team Leading.
June 14th, 2017
Most of you know by now that I will be leading four girls in my first month on the race. This could be for just one month, five months, or the whole entire time. I have no idea. My point is not to share my responsibilities as a leader, instead how the Holy Spirit was working. The night of the 13th, I prayed to God that I did not feel competent in being a team leader. I followed it with “but if you think I am ready and would be a good leader, then I’ll do it. My heart is willing.”
I then was asked to a meeting which ended up being about team leading. We were asked to spend 10-15 minutes with God and make a decision on if we accepted the invitation. I started journaling. I asked God “What can I bring to the team? What strengths do I have? What will you teach me through this?” The only thing I heard him say is “Brit, that you are worth it.”
Worthiness was something I was struggling with and working through.
The Holy Spirit made it clear.


I leave in five weeks for Launch in Atlanta, Georgia.
I have $8,852 more dollars to raise.
Please pray for me, my team and my squad.
Send letters. I am unable to get mail while I am gone. If you would like to send me a letter before I leave please text/call me and I will give you my address. I will save the letter for whatever country you would like me to open it in.