A great guy from my youth group nammed Ben Dossett passed away yesterday in a motorcycle accident. 
Today was supposed to be his High School gradutation day.
His funeral is on Saturday. 

I first met Ben on a mission trip to Mexico; he was full of laughter and genuine kindness.  Those around him loved and enjoyed his friendship.  My heart broke when hearing the news  and even now as I write this.  I will never understand death, the why, the unfairness of it and the questions it brings.  Why a high school senior who has his entire life in front of him – loses it. 
I never find answers…
only tears…
and a comforting thought that God is still faithful and in control.

Pray for Ben’s family (Dwayne & DeRhonda and his brother Jonathan), pray for his friends, for peace.

For my girls who are left to mourn; some of his good friends (Sarah, Kelsey, Macy, Ilsa…) I can’t imagine what you are going thru and i’m so sorry that I can’t be there with you right now.  Know that I’m praying for you, for peace and comfort.  I love you! E-mail me anytime you need to.