Hey everyone! Our team decided to take the day off on the 4th to celebrate the ‘american holiday’.  We went and watched Pirates 3 the night before and then spent the day at the mall.  We also invited some of the staff of the shelter that we are working with over to the apartment we are staying in for a cookout and dinner.  Here are a few pics of our day.  I hope you had a good 4th! 

this is Lorinda, Maria, Josh and David looking after our food on the grill…

some other goodies…including deviled eggs, baked beans, etc.

one of our red, white and blue cupcakes…

some of our guest…

of course… our firework display

and this is Monty…our guard dog.  You can’t really tell in this picture but he is massive…he’s taller than me when he stands up on his back legs.  He did not enjoy the fireworks! ๐Ÿ™‚

Update from Mozambique… 

This was an insert that the family we worked with in Mozambique sent out to thier supporters.  Thought it was really cool and wanted to share…

‘So many things have happened since we’ve been back that I don’t even know where to start. When we arrived back in May we made contact with an amazing group of young Americans. They are from the World Race Organization

. They are reaching out to 9 countries in 11 months. Half of their group (11) came to stay with us and helped us tremendously.

During there visit they stayed over in Tamane with the orphans and served them. One evening we showed a Jesus film in Fakete. At the end of the show the people were invited to come forward for prayers and heeling. A man with named Thomas came forward and asked that we should pray for him, because his hearing was very bad. Two days later he came to our house to fetch a Bible. He now attends every Sunday. Two Sundays back he announced that he had hearing problems for 15 years and that his hearing is now perfect. Praise the Lord for his healing.’

Hope everyone is doing great…I plan on Updating soon with pictures of the kids from the shelter. ๐Ÿ™‚

Hope everyone is doing great…I plan on Updating soon with pictures of the kids from the shelter. ๐Ÿ™‚