Well tomorrow we leave Thailand and head to Cambodia for our next month of ministry. We’ve spent the last 5 days debriefing on the beautiful island of KoSamet. It’s about a 3 hr bus ride from Bangkok, then a 30 min boat trip. It was a great time to reconnect with all the other teams and hear the stories of what everyone’s been up to for the last month. We had some great mentor/discipleship couples come out to meet us as well. It’s so great having that support at the end of every month. Plus they brought us tons of candy!! Thanks so much to Seth, Karen, Chuck, Salina, Scott and Carol…I’m sure it was a sacrifice to spend 5 days on a beautiful island in Thailand, but I want you to know how much I appreciate you being there. Thanks for pouring into my life and investing in me. I love you!!!

Here’s a quick glimpse of our last week in Thailand.

Cosmic bowling with Josh and Kari…yes, I know…the socks are hot!

Loading up the boats to head to the island

The beach

Parasailing with my girls

Fire show on the beach

I’m a little sad to be leaving Thailand tomorrow. It’s been a great month, and I can definitely see myself coming back here in the future. Please pray for our team as we switch gears and head into a new kind of ministry. We will be in the capital city of Phnom Penh, working with underprivileged youth. Much of the work we’ll be doing is confidential so i won’t be able to blog about it much and when i do it will be in vague generalities.

Also please pray for me as I begin to figure out what’s next for me after the World Race. I have a few ideas, but am really searching for clarity on what God wants for me. Thanks again for all your support!

Much Love!