Today is the 100th day of the World Race. A relatively small milestone in view of what still lies ahead, but I feel that making it this far is still quite an accomplishment. We’ve  already made enough memories to last a lifetime, i can’t even imagine what the rest of the year has in store for us.

Here are a couple fun pics from our Easter chocolate hunt at the park on Saturday. Thanks Juanny!


I met this little girl at Lomo the day of our kids festival. She just crawled in my lap and after about 15 min of chatting she asked if i had a Bible. Of course she couldn’t read it, she had fun trying to pronounce the words, and we got to talk about Jesus! It was sweet.

Just wanted to mention that MY MOM IS COMING TO SEE ME!!!!!!!!! I’m sure I probably freaked her out with my blog about the maggots, but I can’t wait to share life with her for 5 days and show her what things are like for us here. She’s gonna jump right into ministry with us, and she’s even gonna be living with us. I told her she’s gonna have to fight for the bathroom just like the rest of us.  🙂

One final side note…we got the OK to start building the church up at Lomo de Corvina, so please be praying that the construction goes well and everyone stays safe. That’s all for now…much love!