The message I am talking about is one that seemed to have been hit on Several Times in the services which I attended in Valdosta the past 2 weeks.  That Message is we are to Go Forth in our campus and community and have an Explosion of Love on people, Share the Truth with People, that we must Not Sit & Watch the World go by and let Satan do what he wants and so on and so forth.  I can’t keep count the Amount of Times I’ve heard messages and sermons such as these over the past 5 years.  The amount of college students who have sat and listened and really didn’t do too much, are immense.

Why?  Well in the book Wild Goose Chase, it covers reasons and excuses us humans make up that keep us from Going After what we Might be called to do.  It’s an excellent book that I have noticed so many things in my past have been done, which are covered with reasoning Why we act in such ways. 

Now Not Everyone sits there through these messages and not do anything.  I have seen and know of several people in all sorts of groups on and off campus who truly seek forth to spread God’s Love and Word to the people in the surrounding communities.  The fact of what it comes down to is We Need to STOP MAKING EXCUSES and Do SOMETHING. 

Scripture which was used was from Colossians 1:10, Acts 1:1-11, Matthew 22 (Greatest Commandments), Luke 9:57-62, & so much more is what I heard from the past 2 weeks in Valdosta.  So many Instructions From GOD for US to Do on this Earth, Yet as college students we Want to stay with our Group of Friends and be Comfortable with our surroundings.  Honestly, do you think the Disciples were Ever Comfortable in their followings with Jesus?!?! Do you think PAUL and the others in Acts were ever Comfortable and making up excuses to not go Do Something amongst the Nations and communities?

We say we have “boring lives”, well Lets make it Not Boring and Push ourselves OUT of our Comfort Zones.  Talk to people you don’t know with a simple conversation, hand out food, and even ask people if there is Anything they are struggling with and maybe could use some Prayer.

I know I wrote up about Doing Something Now in another blog, but just hearing All these sermons the past few weeks just continuously Hammer that point in My head and Hopefully along with Others still in college in South GA. 

We are all found guilty of Not living 100% for HIM, and it’s Definitely a Battle we all wager everyday (Christians).  I can also be found as guilty of Not Wanting to go out.  Ok yes, I’m not
all the time seeking out some sort of way to push my beliefs and
strengths and weaknesses.  However, over the past year something has
just clicked in my mind.  I’ve Always loved Helping people in some sort
of way and as for this Trip, I want to bring it to a Whole ‘Nother

A problem I sometimes feel is that I come across as a person who doesn’t want to be embarrassed or ashamed of what I believe…..CHRISTIANS CANNOT THINK LIKE THAT.  I also thought, What does it LOOK like to go out and Love and share the Word with people?  I ask this, because I had never really been able to do so until Training Camp. 

 So I FINALLY Took SOME Iniative on the Valdosta State Campus.  It was something I had seen from others at Training Camp, and thought it’d be great to try out.  I went on Campus during a Large event, which is held once a year called The Happening, and I stood there with a simple cardboard sign that had the infamous words “FREE HUGS”.  I WANT TO SHARE THE WORLD THE LOVE I HAVE RECEIVED.  Why Not do so on Campus?!  It was an Incredible 3 hours of standing in the Blazing sun hugging and asking people how their day was.  I bet it was the BEST Free Thing in that entire event.  Free LOVE.

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