I Haven’t yet introduced everyone to my new team for this upcoming World Race!  I Love and have the up-most respect towards all of them.  The interesting situation is that I’m the only Guy….yea…can’t really figure that one out, but I guess since I go by Beans means I can handle anything….Right?  David Crowder and I are gonna be hanging out a Bunch on this trip, haha just kidding.

Our Team name is a Spanish name of GOZO, which means basically in English…JOY! We’ve got some pretty up-beat and Joyful folks on our team, and I’m REALLY Excited….like for real, not even kidding…about being with them this upcoming year.

From Left to Right: Sarah Olmstead, me, Samara Murtaugh, Amy Duncan, Kelsie Funk, & Sarah Bousquet (the guy in the middle is an Awesome person who we met in Downtown Atl).

As of Right Now I’m about $4,900 short of being Fully Funded towards this trip.  God’s proven time and time again of his grace from those who have given and I am Truly Blessed.  Just a few bucks would help out, seriously, and I KNOW the Economy is Not So Good, but pray about donating please?

I have a chance to share & raise support at a church in Dublin, GA on the 15th, AND I have a Benefit Concert that I Am REALLY EXCITED about on the 27th in Valdosta (if you got anymore questions about the concert just shoot me an e-mail).

We have ALSO Changed our Route Just a lil bit. Here’s the new one. (got the red & black goin for them Blazers and Bulldogs!)


That’s all I can think of as an update for now, and thanks for checkin on me!  Have a Nice day!