The 2nd or 3rd day while out at one of the Remember Nhu Houses in Northern Thailand, the guys and I were taking a water break.  When all of a sudden one of our contacts pulls up and others get out.  I noticed a small girl who I didn’t recognize and asked about her.  Later I found out this little girls story.

Her name is “Ma-Li” (best I understood in how to spell it).  She’s a 5 year old girl from a village up in the mountains of around Chiang Mai, Thailand.  She doesn’t speak/understand Thai, since her village has its own language.  Both her parents are in Jail for Life, yea for LIFE.  She was being “taken care of” by her father’s first wife, but that really didn’t mean anything.  The girl was literally walking around by herself in her village when they found her, and was only having about 1 meal a day.

And she is Precious

It really hit me with the realization of Sex Trafficking Even More from what I’ve seen in Videos and other Blogs.  I got to literally witness this girl being “saved”.  Her older brother was there the day she came in, but later left after she had settled in.  It blows my mind!  A 5 year old (put yourself in HER Shoes), having no more parents for the rest of your Life, you hardly get Any food, and just wander around the village not really sure what is going on.  Then, one day you are picked up by nice people and dropped off at this house where you are cared for, given attention too, given food, friends, clean clothes, a Safe place to sleep, and more importantly you hear about this guy named Jesus and his Love.

There are about 30 other girls staying at this one house, and all are sponsored by someone.  So they each get food, clothes, shelter, education (hopefully even through college), and to learn of who GOD is!  There is actually another house close by with another 30 girls in it too.  All girls were brought in, and each fit a certain High-Risk Profile of being picked up and taken away into the child-slavery market, which is Very prominent here in Thailand.  Most girls in these homes come from broken families, poverty, and Several other factors which make them a prime target for being trapped in the Horrible Slave Trade going on. 

Before I go on about the organization I HAVE to give credit to the families who look after these children.  The families sacrifice So Much to care for, feed, and Love 30 Other girls while having to look after their own family.  The families are just Absolutely amazing and Love God and give So Much so these BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTERS OF GOD get to Learn of how Amazing God is and Each of those Precious Children are Loved by HIM.

The organization is called Remember Nhu.  If you haven’t heard of it, I recommend you look more into about what they really are about.  It’s called “Nhu”, because this organization started with a Vietnamese girl named Nhu and how she was trapped in the Sex Trade as a small child.  The founder (Carl) heard about this girl (Nhu) and felt God telling him to do Something about it.  The organization does what it can to Prevent Girls from entering this Horrible “Business” by taking in them and getting sponsors.  This video, which was made by another World Racer, is Amazing.