This subject has actually been on my mind for quite some time now.  I have read Several other blogs, heard sermons about it, discussed with others and in my head, read about it a good bit, and more.  With Q-squad having “Manistry” it has really come to even More attention to myself.  With these few guys I’ve been blessed to be surrounded by, I have certainly been pushed in all sorts of ways (mentally & spiritually). 

I have been asked more serious and thought-provoking questions than a 3 hour psychology class.  That’s a joke, but for real.  I’ve had Many Great friends back home and in Valdosta that I’ve known growing up these past years.  I love and miss you guys a bunch, yet I never really experienced enough deep bonding.  What I mean is asking and being asked why you might say some things in a certain way, how your heart is, what is troubling you internally, and other things I never really encountered.

Iron sharpens Iron is a Much used analogy, and it is SO true.  How can a Christian MAN grow if they are not in companionship with other Men?  This World NEEDS MEN to get off their butts and stop being Wimps.  That’s right, I’m callin a Whole bunch of You Guys Out who reading this Right Now.  It’s a problem that has definitely been frustrating me of my view on Christianity.  Fact of the World Race, only 8-15 guys per Squad…that’s PATHETIC.

Look at the churches, youth groups, Christian organizations on campus, and more.  Where are the guys?!  Now for a side note, I have met some Amazing Hardcore Christian Men over the past few years who are So devoted to doing God’s work on this Earth, but there’s Still such a lack of them. 

The World nowadays defines a man as one who has possessions, political stronghold, popularity, money, being successful, etc etc etc.  At what Cost?!?!  SO Many families struggling through a divorce, or even the Father of the kids is too Scared to Man Up and take care of the Kids he Created!  There are Not enough GOOD Father Figures in this Corrupted World.  Why do so many kids act up in school and are not very well disciplined?  Look at the kids background and upbringing. 

When the going gets tough, a lot of guys drop out so whatever the scenario doesn’t look bad on them.  Stay with it, Fight For whatever may be an issue, Solve it accordingly, and the real problem here is Don’t get scared of being embarrassed.  This could be for any sort of situation, and most importantly fighting for Christ.
As a Man in this society, you feel like you can’t show Any weakness or vulnerability.  Satan does his darnest to keep Men quite and not show weakness…Why? Cuz Satan is Scared of Us and uses Words against us.  That is his Only thing he has on Us, and YOU have to decide whether you are goin to Believe in those Lies or NOT.

A wound that you’ve embraced is a wound that cannot Heal.  Paul elaborates how in his weakness, then he is Strong through GOD.  You think You’re Too Cool, or it’s Boring, or Whatever Pathetic STUPID EXCUSE you can make up of not to Follow Christ and to Seek Help when you are in Need and Alone?  Go on, keep on making up excuses and see how far that gets you, and how Low you’ll feel.  Will you make up an Excuse when it’s Judgment day and you stand before the Gates of Heaven?

Having TV and Video Games be taken away from me for several months now, it really does open up my eyes and realize how much time I was wasting and depriving this world of it needing a Guy to Stand Up For Christ.  How I could of been elsewhere and being a Positive Influence in the community or Something! 

This is such a HUGE topic for in today’s world we are living in, and I do have more to come in how God has worked in me and being in a Close relationship with Him and the people I’ve been placed with on their World Race Journey.  Face of the matter is, Men…Find Your Voice, Punch Satan in the Face, Break through the Lies you’ve Listened and Believed in for so long, Grow a Pair, Stand up for the Kingdom, Stop Living for the World, and be a Warrior for Christ in the Spiritual-Warfare with fellow Christian Men!

If this makes you angry, and makes your heart Struggle?  Good.  Go to the Lord with it, read the Bible, seek thoughts from others, discuss it Deeply, and Work on it.  I am.

Andrew with a toy hammer digging a trench…haha.