Over the past month, it seems as if
the process of getting different fundraisers and other things organized has
been taking forever.  I’ve tried my
best to stay positive and believe God will supply (funds).  Over time, it’s just worn me down to
the point I’ve gotten somewhat frustrated.  However, I haven’t gotten to the point of complete
frustration.  I reflect and
constantly think about being faithful and continue to pray, yet no result.

was reading in Romans the other day to just get my mind more focused on God,
since this same day my frustration was rising again and my patience was wearing
thin.  I came across in chapter 4
where Paul was using Abraham as an example.  I then immediately remembered the story of Abraham’s
relentless faithfulness.  How Abraham,
despite no support, had Faith like no other that God will reward him.

immediately felt guilty and ignorant, that even though I had my faith, I still
was becoming impatient on God. 
Since I knew that God will surely reward those with Faith in due time.  However, for us human beings in a
modern world, we expect things and events to happen quite soon so that one
would see a result of some sort. 

same day I felt frustration and impatience, later turned into feelings of
gratefulness and joy.  By the time
I had arrived in Valdosta from my home, God showed up big time.  I was graciously able to see where a
few donations had arrived and other fundraisers had seen such drastic progress.  I could not believe my eyes. 

and time again, we must learn from our mistakes.  A major one is forgetting to hold steadfast faith and
believing with every bit of us that God will come through, and He will show up
like no other.  Since this past
week, my views have drastically changed of how I go about telling people about
the World Race.  Reason being is so
that I go into a conversation or have fundraisers solely to have the ability to
share what God’s been doing in my life and what may come in the future.  If by God’s will through my ways of
raising awareness, people would feel led to donate and totally leave me in
shock of how Awesome God is All Over Again.

feel and know that I am not the only one struggling on being patient and
faithful in God to provide. 
Whether it’s other people going on the World Race or whatever other
mission trip.  Prayer is another
Vital Key to keeping a steadfast faith, which I have become to learn over the
years in college.  Even when we
have done as many different ways as possible to get the word out of (lets say
for example the World Race), and we don’t See any Results.  We cannot let that get us down.  God will come through with His