Think of you’re favorite speaker, event, or anything that you remember somehow has impact in your life.  The speaker isn’t boring are they?  You remember that specific event more than other ones in the past correct?  When was the last time you Really remembered a Boring class lecture? I never did, so one shouldn’t either.

The first time I went to a different church service my Freshman year of college in Valdosta and loved it was because the Speaker had Emphasis and very well relating topics and points in it. 
The First time I went to a Valdosta State Football game I Loved it, because there were a group of people who would stand and yell the whole time!  It was Exciting!

Passion Conference isn’t just great, because some famous person is up on the stage talking…it’s What and How they are talking about the topic. 

Here’s my Point!  If you are Passionate about something, Let it Show!!!!  Especially for GOD.  If the speaker/preacher in church has a low voice and even if the sermon is a Great topic, one really isn’t gonna pay too much attention.  However if the Speaker is LOUD, Moving around, and speaking with Authority and Determination, something deep inside of you Loves it.

I feel that many church services don’t really acknowledge for one to be LOUD and Truly Thankful for God.  Church services are beginning to feel like a classroom…more teaching Less DOING.

I think the Reason Not too many people are willing to go after something and most importantly Be a Voice of the Truth and Word of God, is because they haven’t really seen someone or really know how to get motivated.  Over the past year I have sat and heard very Passionate and Motivating Speakers Exclaiming the Word!  Speaking LIFE over others and NOT in a Calm voice. 

Satan wants Us to feel like our voice isn’t gonna do anything, or others might reject you and think you are an outcast.  He is Feeding us LIES!!!!!  We have been raised up in such an environment and culture that one must use their “Inside Voice” on many occasions when something LOUD need to happen! Also, we think we are “too cool” to get up and exclaim something.  That is Pride and one must Let That Go in order to be full of HIM.  How are you gonna let people see God in You, if You are Full of YOURSELF!?! (this is a whole ‘nother topic)

I think people are just sick and tired of the mundane and same ol routine.  Some of you are like, “I’m content with life”.  Really?! Day after day after day of the same thing.  Yea right.  Unless it is your Passion & there’s some sort of excitement in your day.

After going to my last Football game for a While, I thought to myself “I want to be That Loud for Jesus”.  For those who’ve never seen me at a football game, I Yell, Jump, Stand, hoot n’ holler pretty much the Entire game.  Why?! Well, I Love my Team!  I yell so much that I have no more sounds coming out due to my voice being so hoarse. 

What’s making me Not do the Same Thing for God?!  I Love God.  Yet many of us are SHY and are sort of Scared to get out of our “I’m okay with not getting TOO Excited Shell”. 

Psalms 98:4 Says Make a JOYFUL NOISE unto the Lord, All the Earth.
In the King James Version there’s a :
After that it says Make a LOUD NOISE, and rejoice, and sing praise.

Yes I must testify that I have not been very exuberant and Loud (so to speak) in my past.  Why?  I didn’t want to make a fool of myself basically, and that’s those words that Satan put in my head that I am Believing.  I Know the Truth now, and have been able to Find Satan Out in my mind and know what to really Believe in.  GOD’s Word & Truth

I understand that during this specific mission trip, there will be days where I will not be feeling too good and really motivating to be Loud for God.  Yet, I MUST Do My best and have help from the people around me and Keep Pushing On through the Tough Times. This can relate to Anyone in their Walk of life. God is my Strength. Philippians 4:13

However, we must be careful for what we are Loud For.  What I mean is that the Way of the World and Society try to be Loud too.  False advertisement, Sex, Gossip, and so many more are things which try to cloud our minds and scream for attention.  These are all here due to Satan wanting to Wreck Havoc on this world. 

WE WERE MADE TO WORSHIP (thank you Jonathan David Helser Band).  The Truth to Why We Worship & Give HIM Praise?…That God is Above All, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, the One who Loves like No Other, and the One who Can CRUSH Satan with the Whisper of HIS NAME!!!

Get on a chair and Shout out Declarations of GOD! (I would not advise a rolling chair)  You think I’m crazy?!  Well, you probably already do, but whatever.  Yell Declarations with Others!  Trust me it feels so Relieving and Wonderful afterward.  DECLARE & Thank HIM For Who HE IS!