Something many of us recited because our Sunday School teacher or parents made us.  Psalm 23.  I had completely forgotten this well known scripture.  So, I came across it recently while slowly reading through the book of Psalm.  Right now where I am with God, I needed this…Big Time.  I slowly read it over and over again.  Through praying and thinking about the words, I would like to share my thoughts. 

To the non-believers and skeptics who read this, please realize that this God we always talk about can be felt on a personal level.  This small letter David writes expresses in numerous ways How he Felt and Believed God on a Level people in this world are deep down craving for something like this from another Being.  To you who are just briefing through this blog and don’t really care…I Challenge You to Slow Down, Chill Out for 5 Minutes, and read the Scripture for Yourself.

Psalm 23

1. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want.

God You are my All in All.  You satisfy me So much, I’ll never want something else from this World.

2. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters.

In the business of my day, God, You want me to just Chill Out. To Listen and Be With You.  While being amazed at your Beautiful creations of this Earth, You want to Speak to Me.  I don’t Lead…You Lead Me.

3. He Restores my Soul.  He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

Woah!  God, only You can Restore My Soul!  This Blows My Mind.  God -> The Restorer of Souls.  I can easily sit and think about that for a long time.  Me, a sinful, fault-filled, human being given a chance to be acknowledged and given a level of Righteousness Before the Almighty Maker of the Universe.  Not for My Sake, but His Name’s Sake…Woah.

4. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear No Evil, for You are with Me; Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Life is tough, and when it feels at times as if everything is crashing down around me, I will hold onto You.  Since I Know You are with Me.  I have felt your presence before, and even if I can’t feel You, I Still know You are watching over me.

5. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.  You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

I have to remember the context when David wrote this, but it’s a delight to Know and Realize that God will seat Me higher than all my enemies.  You know My Heart.  I am Anointed by Him.  Me, a sinner…not Worthy.  My Love for You, God, is More than Anything.  It pours out of me as I seek You into my Daily Life.

6. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.

Even when times are tough, I know Your Goodness and Love will Chase after me…Everyday.  When I don’t understand why “bad” things are happening, I know it’s all apart of Your Plan for me.  The fact You Promise that We get to stay with You for Eternity is Overwhelming.  Amidst the doubt and uncertainty I go through, I still will believe and have the Faith that You are GOD of ALL