Well we did, Not have had a paying job.  We’ve had Tons of Volunteer jobs, which will make our Resumes look 2 Legit 2 Quit though when we get back.  Anyways, My Team Gozo & I made this “fun” video as a simple way for asking donations.  At this point you might be turned away due to the “asking donations”, but I do ask for you to watch the video & Keep us in your prayers.  We actually did most of the video while in Malaysia, but I kinda slacked to finish it oops.  However, I think it’s a great one to have & share with others during this season of Christmas!

I’d like to say THANK YOU to ALL of the ones who have already supported me And my fellow teammates.  We are doing our best at being His Hands & Feet amongst the Nations, and it wouldn’t had been possible for the Amazing people who’ve supported us by prayer, finance, equipment, and more. 

Everyone in my Entire Squad has seen a change in almost Every Place we’ve been to thus far on the trip.  How can YOU tell?  Just by reading our blogs of the experiences!  Oh by the way, we’re on different/new teams so…yea just thought I’d mention that.

Enjoy the video!!!