As many of us already know, God has a good sense of humor that comes out many times during our lives.  However, one sometimes needs to actually see whatever the situation is from a different perspective to understand how the humor is being applied.  Here are a few examples from this past month.

This is MANISTRY MONTH….YEA!!!! A whole bunch a crazy guys being together! Go and get to do Manly Things in the Middle of Nowhere Thailand! No more Women to worry about right?!…. WRONG.  What did God do?  He got us partnered up and helping out and ministering to 60 Girls aging from 5-17.  Haha, very funny God.

Helping them out with their ridiculous homework, dancing, playing Legit Rock, Paper, Scissor games, numerous other games, UNO, and whatever else to just Hang Out with these Beautiful Daughters of God.  I must testify and say that they Definitely Ministered to Me by so many different ways.  God’s awesome like that…can I get an AMEN? haha

This little girl had me captive for about 30 min. to bury my entire arm under sand.

But wait, there was Another way God had a good sense of humor this month?!

Yea, So apparently I’ve been in a city for the past 2 months and honestly have been having a nagging inside of me to do some rigorous work.  Well, God thought it’d be great to give me a 1,000 yard driveway Filled with large concrete rocks to be broken down, smoothed out, and busted up with none other than…a broken 6 lb sledgehammer.  Haha, Very Funny God. 

So, I went to work.  Someone had to do it.  The road wasn’t gonna get smoothed out by letting it Sit there.  I had Tons of Time to literally sit and think about God and even how he was Speaking to me while I was pounding away in the Blazing (hehe, go VSU) Heat during the day.  I kinda made it my own personal endeavor to make sure the road was as smooth as it could possibly get with the rock junk we were given with my bare hands…good times.  I still am uncertain it is Smooth Anywhere on the road. 

God works in some Crazy ways at times, and that’s is Just how He Works.  Times when we Don’t Really understand why the heck something is going on.  Sometimes it may make us laugh, cry, angry, and all sorts of other odd feelings.  All what we experience, God is using it for GOOD, and Yes I do Understand it can be VERY Difficult to know why horrible things happen in this World.  Just have to be Willing to step up and say do what You want with me God, and He will take you on the Ride of your Life.