As we have all been taught in the sporting world.  However, this topic is on a different type of defense.  It's simply how we as human beings act when felt we are being "attacked" mentally or physically. 

For you Michigan fans, I'm sorry.

I wrote down a few simple thoughts on "getting defensive" while I was on the Race 2 years ago, and would like to share.  Many of these may come off as "duh", but I think it's good to take time to realize and acknowledge how we may act and react without actually thinking about it.  It's a daily personal challenge too for anyone with whom they interact with.

– When one asks "why are you getting defensive?", then it's a chess match of words with the conversation.  It could easily turn into a thin line of a debate, discussion, or arguement.

– We become defensive if we are feeling offended/attacked by a barrage of different opportunities and possible weaknesses we feel we may have.

– We become defensive if we don't want to share the deeper root of a problem. (pride)

– It's good to be pushed in certain areas of life, but not far enough to violence.  Talking things out in a calm way helps with releasing possible reasons of being defensive. (personnally experienced many times)

– Those who may seem docile and calm on the outside have a war raging monster on the inside tearing up everything they think or feel.  Be wary and patient with these people.  They may "explode" for the even minute reasons.

– We all desire solid and sound reasons for why our friends and co-workers are being defensive in certain circumstances.

– Acting a certain way and not being open to change affects others is an issue.

– Many of us have this "have to prove ourselves" mentality.  As a result, we become even more defensive.  We're continuing to throw up "walls".

– People do this to God/Jesus.  They don't want to change.  They don't want to get over by allowing the words of Life for change to come.  This happens to the best of us from time to time.  Reality check.

– People who nag others far too much for their own personal pleasures have their own self-esteem struggles and weaknesses.  When we feel weak in a certain area, we tend to "over-protect" ourselves in how we say and act certain environments.

On another note, I'm doing well and in Middle GA these days subbing, teaching tennis, and PE job hunting.