March 13th is our Final Due Date for funds to be in our accounts to continue on with this ridiculously amazing and crazy trip called World Race. God has blessed me through many of you who read and in awesome ways that I can only say it was a miracle from Him. As of right now I’m needing $2,164. March 13th is 3 weeks away. I know those who are called to serve such as I and the thousand others who do missions shouldn’t worry, because God’s got it covered. However, I still see it certainly important to raise awareness of what situation I’m in. I can’t just sit and expect something to happen.
I don’t particularly enjoy coming before people and asking for money. Honestly, who really does other than swindlers on the street? However, I know for a fact God’s been using me and the others on my squad…along with everyone who comes on The World Race for His Kingdom. We Are Kingdom Bringers. Specifically to the people God has and will set in our lives. YOU who support us with prayers and finance are just apart of this trip as I am.
Monthly donations are encouraged. Maybe like $20 a month goes a long way, and that’s for like 5 months. You set the limit for donating, and heck $5 is still ok too. However, a big part is the Heart behind the giving.

I do my best in sharing how exactly God may be working in where we are via blogging, pictures, and videos. I never knew I would enjoy putting videos together until this trip, and I know they speak louder than words Ever Could. I’ve posted the video from when we were in Cambodia at the bottom, please take time to watch.
I’ve prayed and have thought like crazy over this blog and how to just basically say “I am Asking for Your Help“. I’ve gone 6 months on this trip so far…5 more to go, and for each country I’m so excited about each one that it’s probably not healthy. Please tell your friends, relatives, folks at church, co-workers, and whoever about my trip. Please. To those who have helped prayerfully and financially. Words seriously cannot express how thankful I am…But Thank You.
Here’s the link for donations -> If you’d like to donate by mail and please note it’s for me (all the donation is received since 5% is taken away for credit card fee via donating online). Address is: Adventures in Missions P.O. Box 534470 Atlanta, GA 30353. As for more information…here ya go.
I’m in Kigali, Rwanda helping in a ministry where we talk to random people on the streets about God in what we call “Door-to-door evangelism”. We also take turns preaching during the week. Yes. We Preach a.k.a. “Share a Word” During the week and Not just on Wed. & Sun.
How did we celebrate Valentines Day in Rwanda? Well, I sent a personalized e-mail to all the girls in our squad. Some may call it “pimpin”…haha. I call it what all guys should do All the time…Respect & Honor Women. Buying chocolate for them is a good idea too “wink wink”. Especially since we have a limited budget and we don’t really eat chocolate here often.
Also! It’s Black History month in the U.S. right? Well, I found a nice quote from Martin Luther King Jr. from the inside of a Matatu (taxi bus) while in Kenya. Just thought I’d support the Blacks in “Merica. I mean, what’s wrong with that? I am from the Dirty South. hehe.