It’s really the base question people ask, and I ask myself at least 30 times a day.  I recently finished the book Wild Goose Chase, where it’s giving reasons why us as humans may be “steered” away from going after the Holy Spirit and how we should and why.  It is a very good book from my point of view, because it really made me reflect and think “this is exactly how I’m thinking or used to think”.  Near the end of the book, the author really just straight up ask you questions and is Telling Whoever is reading “what’s up”.

Quotes such as the following really motivated me and reaffirmed why I do want to go on this trip:
“You know why most of us never accomplish what we want? Because we don’t know what we want. We want to be successful. Yet we’ve never even taken the time to define what success would look like occupationally, relationally, or spiritually.”  “”What is your unpainted canvas or unwritten book? What God given dream is collecting dust? What God-ordained passion remains caged?” 

“You’ll never finish what you do not start.  And that is where so many of us get stuck.  We fail to take the first step, so the Wild Goose chase never begins.  Instead of seeking out adventure, we settle for routine.  Instead of playing offense with our lives, we play defense.  And instead of living by faith, we let our fears dictate our decisions.”

After reading this and much more over and over again, it made me realize that is why i feel led to want to go on this such type of trip or why i’ve been felt sort of “caged” over the past few years.

Let me Explain.

For those who do not know me and my story…..I grew up in Peach County, GA next to cotton fields, i still lived in a neighborhood so it wasn’t that far out there, and i could see the high school on the other side (its kinda surrounded by cotton fields).  As a Kid, my brother, my friend david, and I would go out into the field and along next to it to go huntin snakes, rabbits, field mice, whatever.  We played all kinda games and stuff in my backyard, in the street, and in the field.  I had a very adventuresome personality and loved going out and being active in ways of these activities. 

Then came the high school years.  I didn’t really have many true close friends my age.  They all lived in Byron (which is 15 min drive and i didn’t have a car).  So i felt apart from society, but I kept on keepin on (whatever that means).  So as a result of my age and lack of things to do activity wise other than sports, I stayed inside learning how a computer and its software works, and playing video games. 

I finally graduate and get to head to college.  In South GA good ol Valdosta.  I had never lived in a “city” where I had a walmart, a sams club, a best buy, and a mall within 10-15 min. of me.  I thought it was Awesome. 

Being in this city environment was new and all these lights in the night sky was totally different.  So it’s been 5 years I have kinda “lived” in Valdosta.  And all those years me and my friends would go out and go campin or go to FL to Blue Springs (its awesome).  We would only go very few times during the years thou.

HOWEVER, over the years of living in the city has kinda deprived me of my adventurous side.  I wanted to go Out and Do Something.  WHY!?….my friends would just sit there and play video games and watch tv, so I did that too.  After all those video games and watchin tv for hours and hours and hours, i came to a conclusion.  None of it filled my want for adventure and doin out and doing stuff..NEVER..And I guess my friends who grew up in the city didn’t really feel the same way.

People ask, Why Don’t You go by Yourself on some adventure?  It’s a good question, and yes i have.  You do not understand how lonely i have been in my life and tired of doing things and going on adventures by myself.  It just tears me up inside.  I’ve always feel like I’ve been a “Loner”.  Only One my age on my street, in my youth group, in Scouts, and etc.  And for my friends in Valdosta to pretty much tell me, I dont wanna go on an Adventure with You…cuz i can tell by their body language and how they talk….just kills me inside. 

I have the mentality of a 10 year old, always have and always will.  I would want to go on more adventures when I hear of or see other people of whom i know which go on them.  And i ask, how come they didn’t ask me, or geez, i wish i knew they were going.  Now, I don’t mean every single moment i want to go on some “adventure”, but being “caged” in a city just grinds my nerves down.  I understand we will be in many cities on this trip.  I’m okay with that, because I know we will be out in it working, meeting new people, and being in a totally different atmosphere and environment.  That sounds like an adventure to me.

Some people may ask, dude why would you want so much adventure if your major and desire for a career is in a school, because schools have very strict Routines.  From my point of view, being a PE teacher is an adventure Every day, because You NEVER know what the kids may say or what the day brings in a gym.  I get to be a kid again when teaching PE in an elementary school, in some sort of sense/way.

MY LIFE AWAY AT SOME SCREEN.  People in this world need more
“adventure” in their lives.  They just seem to be Content with Sitting
and Doing Nuthin and it drives me Crazy.

Having this opportunity of a trip to Go Out with people My Age, who Want to go on adventures and we don’t really know what to expect on a day to day basis is what also drives my Adventurous side of me.  THAT is one reason why I’m excited and want to go on The World Race.  To “Let Go” and let the Holy Spirit and God take me wherever He wants me to be, and it makes me happy beyond belief.

Campin at my friend's farmland
One time we went campin at a friends piece of land

my friend david stealin the cotton, and the high school is in the background to the right
My buddy David stealin some cotton