Sorry, but I have to speak as if I’m home sometimes (blog title).  In my previous blog, I mainly described the surrounding areas atmosphere and cultures.  Some of you are probably beginning to wonder what we might be doing with such a cultural and religious diverse community.

We have been helping out at an organization called Kawan.  The building itself used to be a brothel on Love Lane here in Georgetown (more specific place of where we are).  Kawan is a place for those who live on the streets to come and relax.  While at Kawan, the people have a chance to shower off, use the bathroom, take a nap, wash their clothes, grab a snack in the morning and a good meal at lunch.  Once a week they offer a closet for those to get a new pair of clothes, a toothbrush, and a razor to shave.  The people who come are truly thankful and are mostly pleasant to chat with.

While working with Kawan, we do help around in maintaining the food, shower area, and lounge area.  We do try to communicate and have a conversation with a few of the people who come in.  This is quite difficult at times due to the amount of english some of them speak.  Those who come are basically homeless and very poor.  Many are ex-convicts, drug addicts, and alcoholics.  Kawan is such a Wonderful place to intervene in these people’s lives and minister to by showing them any kind of Love and to speak of Jesus, if the opportunity arises. 

Thankfully, a few churches do support Kawan financially, however they are needing consistent volunteers for long periods of the year.  We are doing what we can by being there to help out while here in Malaysia and doing our best by having a simple conversation with these needy people.  We have certainly met some quite Interesting characters who regularly attend Kawan during the week. 

Also, we have helped out with another organization called Lighthouse.  They offer very similar help to the homeless with a safe place to rest, food, and drink.  I have seen several people who go to Kawan at this place too.  The people who manage Lighthouse are very kind and do fear the Lord.  They started up a bakery a few years ago to teach some people how to manage a business and to simply have a job skill.  Along with this bakery, they have a small coffee shop to raise money by selling drinks and the food made in the bakery.  The prices are amazingly cheap, yet they do make a good profit from the local area. 

Just the other night we were able to go out on the night to do some street evangelizing.  I have been itching for a chance to go out and do this sort of ministry with a few of the people who regularly do it.  Being one of the few guys, as usual, I was certainly important to have in the group since we were going about the streets late at night.  We came across many women who some of the ladies have made friendships with in the past.  Many were prostitutes, homeless, and some weren’t actually women…yea, wow.  It truly did open my eyes even More by closely observing the people about on the streets compared to previous nights I had just quickly walked down with my team.

One lady was absolutely wacked out of her mind due to being high on glue.  I sort of hid since one of the ladies told me this particular woman would go crazy if she saw a man.  When they were attempting to have a simple conversation with her, I could just Feel a Dark presence within this woman.  She was very loud (like screaching yells at tourists who walked by), had a tough time in focusing on the actual conversation, and just really not pleasant looking.  Satan definitely had a Strong hold of her, and it was just really emotionally and spiritually tough to witness from a distance. 

I was able to begin a conversation with a gentleman named Francis at a popular area where many homeless people hang out and sleep at night.  He spoke Very good english and we talked about sports and even about Christianity.  He said he was Catholic and I found out he does attend Lighthouse quite often.  Overall, it was a great conversation and I will attempt to go back and chat with him even more.

We have been challenged as a team of building and working on team dynamics, since there has been more “in-between” time during the day compared to when we were in the Philippines.  I think it’s great for us to understand and bond together as a group.  Yes, I am the only guy, however, I have been doing quite well and the gals treat me well so I can’t complain.  I have been actively praying for God to stir up in me for things to say to these people and just be there to listen to them.  Anywho, please continue to keep us and the people we encounter in your prayers.  Have a Nice Day!