I wrote the title like that to get your attention, especially if You Might be hungry while reading this since Food is on your mind…and yes..i love Beef, especially sirloin steak….mmmm

I Got a LOT on my mind…(if you would like to receive notifications when i update then please subscribe)

So, i Feel as if I might have been leavin some people in the dark due to my inconsistent blogging.  Trust me, I will be updating more often as the time draws Near!  On a Side note in case you are wondering from my first post of the video about myself….YES i do have a tooth now…it’s a wonderful porcelain false tooth and its Great cuz i Can Whistle.  On another Note, I may Write how i probably would Speak (as if you who are reading and I are in a real conversation).  Why is the text in different colors?  Well, because i feel like it and i have the ability to do so, so there 🙂

I Got 2 Months to raise at Least 4500 bucks since World Race folks are tellin me I need at least 7000 by August 1st.  Another Update is the World Race people changed out route slightly by adding The Philippines and Tanzania!!!!….Soooo AWESOME!! So excited just thinking about getting the chance to GO on this trip with a Powerful Mission and get off this soft comfy couch i’ve been currently sittin on for about 30 minutes while typing this Blog! haha

I am TRYING to Reach OUT and Use my resources via Good friends who may know businessmen or pastors, or have a bible study which in any sort of way I may speak with to simply SHARE about my trip.  If you are reading and you might have an idea I could possibly use to raise support….CALL ME!! I’m Up for ANYTHING right now!  I just want to TELL people about my trip and ask for DEFINITELY Prayer and if anyone feels led to donate, which even $1 donations I’ll get excited about..Not Kidding.  Since I’ve spoken/contacted with MANY people i personally know which may be an avenue of raising support, I get the feeling of running out of ideas.

However, as I continue to speak with more and more people….more ideas keep coming up and more ways & people to share about my trip come forth (which btw NEAL ANTHONY…my mind’s Blown!! u dont have to ask…*inside joke) It Blows my Mind, because time after time when I Feel there’s not much Anything else to do… God shows himself in people I know everyday to learn a new way to raise support….and that’s worth something Living For when time & time again My God shows himself in the smallest of ways.

I have a facebook Group (Share Beans To The World)…its on there trust me, and i do try to keep that group updated with information!….I have T-shirts (picture is on my facebook group) which I AM selling as a Simple fundraiser and a chance for people who purchase them to share with others about my trip, since the front of them plainly say BEANS across….haha! its such a Great conversation Starter while Wearing this shirt..it’s ridiculous! If ANY Interested please Feel FREE to contact me (info is under contacts on the top left)……an idea also with the t-shirts is that people who have one is to simply take a picture while wearing it and like send it to me as a file….just a simple fun thing to do (Share Beans around the World VIA t-shirt!)

THE World Race has their Own Facebook PAGE and Youtube Channel (I recommend BOTH) They update often and have TONS of info of what’s going on with the Organization.  I apologize this seems like a Large Blog, but I feel it is a much Needed One

That’s about all I got to share as of right now with what I’m doing
If You may have an Idea or possible way to help me out in raising funds i humbly ASK Please share…even if its a simple idea You might not think it could work….it may possibly be something I haven’t even thought up!