Honestly, there’s so much goin on in my mind I ain’t too sure what to exactly talk about. It’s been a week since my last blog, and internet is scarce to come by apparently.
ANYWHO! I wanted to specifically talk about something we all have in common. Our Background. hmmmm, good stuff.
Every single one of us has a story of our past, and how it affects us in Many different ways. After getting to talk with, listen to many people in the area from our house visits, and hearing other peoples (teammates) testimonies, it’s so Evident in how God works in ridiculous ways.
Having days where I’m always goin somewhere, talking to someone, discussing certain parts of the Bible, and so much more it’s been tough to just sit a chill ya know? Havin teammates sick, crazy miracles goin on, having people bang on metalwork while trying to skype and type a blog, Super Close Community, it’s tough for me to sit back and actually think what the heck is goin on.
However, realizing how God is working in basically Everything, even the super small ways, it’s just so gratifying to know and be apart of it all. My thoughts often go back home and how my friends and people are continuing their lives. Not being able to experience dramatically how God is working in their life perhaps, due to the every day mundane life cycle they seem to be in. Also, many people not willing to acknowledge who God is and how he’s working in their life and the cover of lies that they believe and live in.
Being Willing to let God come in and Change you is HUGE. It’s a Huge reason why there’s So Many people in this world living a life they want to control. Thinking that they can handle their situations and everything will be aight (yes I used that word, I’m from Fort Valley, GA so what). Coming to the point of realizing you ain’t got everything under control and that you actually Need help from a supernatural presence we can’t even begin to explain is the turning point many of us Need. It’s sort in a way the climactic turning point in one’s story. Some folks might have a small simple one, yet others might have 5 or 10.
Getting to realize what tactics Satan uses against me, his attacks on others, and then how God is clearly evident in every persons life is all apart of what this ludicrous trip called the World Race is. The learning that goes on in the World Race is So Much in such a little amount of time, wanting to share it just bubbles up in me. There’s times where I can’t wait to get back and share with my friends breakthroughs I’ve had/seen and in my teammates to just Help others experience the same.
Your background story/testimony/LIFE is so unique and something No One can take away. Just getting to look back on my situations, my teammates situations from the stories they tell me, and the local Kenyans it can be overwhelming at times. In the end, God is Good. God does not tempt us to do wrong…that’s Satan. His ways are Not Evil or Bad. They may be confusing with what we’re going through, but in the end God’s refining us to be better people and followers of Him.
Thanks for reading a few of my antics. Hope yall are doing well. This upcoming few weeks we’re going to go into some crazy prayer times…like 5-7 AM…????? yea ugh. I’m actually looking forward to some real 1 on 1 me and God times in the prayer sessions. I seriously want to hear from Him, what He wants me to do, what He wants me to say to people, and so many other things goin on in my CraZy MinD.
Keep it Real!
Here’s a pic of us on a high cliff about to visit a waterfall and chill in a river.