The realization (like the full Complete Realization) hits in an increasing wave in my mind as we’re standing and worshiping during our first church service in Rwanda. A Realization of How Much these people Love God. Yes, I’ve heard about it before, seen the church services in Kenya and other past countries, but it doesn’t all really make much sense from a Worldly perspective. Most of the people home in the U.S. know that services last a good while here in Africa.
There’s simple reason to that. The people Praise God like nobody’s business and don’t really care how long or what exactly they may do. They jump around, get loud, sing out of tone, have a rather obnoxiously loud keyboard with a tune that’s fit for a Rave party, and they just go Crazy. Even as a fellow believer, growing up I’m used to every now and then praising crazy just for a little bit and have a little no-care for what others think…but this is WAY Different.

It’s a difference I wish more people had and actually show in many of the churches in the U.S. Many people at worship services in the U.S. have these “expectations” and just stand for a few minutes and sing a song or what not. Sometimes they might even MEAN the words they are singing. As a World Racer you begin to fully understand to throw your expectations in a trash can in the last American airport. The services we experience are full on Praising God with Everything they got…it’s Insane at times (in a good way).
Everywhere we’ve been the people are full of excitement and joy of just being a Christian. Most of the people we’ve met, all they have is their Faith and God to hold onto. They don’t have any real possessions and live in some of the worst conditions humanity has in this corrupt world.
Back to the point. A Fervent Passion, that’s what these Christians have. They outwardly show it, by the expression of joy and happiness. If they’re showing it outwardly that much, no telling what their insides are in a state of…Pure Love For God. An important thing that we as humans may try to attempt is to show outwardly what we may be wanting people to think. It’s very important we’re not jumping around, dancing, and singing for Man’s Approval…but for GOD’S Approval. We got this stupid lie in our mind sometimes that we’re trying to impress people. What a joke, we need to kick Satan in the Face and tell him to stop lying to us and just Love God as He Loves Us.
A Fervent Passion of Loving God. They have it All over the World…Do You Have It?
As for where we are. Kigali, Rwanda. Don’t worry, it’s heck of a lot safer here now than it was 16 years ago and the country is absolutely Beautiful. The people here are quite nice, atmosphere is survivable (haha), taxis are always an “adventure”, and the food is delightful (which is a plus).