“Go back to Georgia.”

I was home now and felt like crap.  My head was pounding and my stomach a bag of broken glass.  I was alone on the floor.  Happy 26th birthday to me.  Stacy stayed back in Georgia for training camp while I had come home to make it to work.  Spending my birthday alone was harder on her than it was on me.  She cares a lot more about me than I do myself.  She’s an amazing woman. 

Sometimes I feel sorry for the bathroom floor.  Not just our bathroom floor but bathroom floors in general.  What good comes of them really?  My not so fondest memories of worshiping Sam Adams and Southern Comfort always seemed to end on bathroom floors.  One of the most comman causes for household deaths are cause by a wet bathroom floor.  It really gets a bad wrap.

Well, there I was. on the bathroom floor.  The room was spinning and I didn’t know why.  It was three o’clock in the morning and my world consisted of moans and tears.  I was 3 years old all over again.  Then in the midst of my early morning birthday suprise I heard a voice.

“Go back to Georgia.”

The alarm woke me around six thirty and I was back on the floor in pain at six thirty-three.  I hadn’t even finished brushing my teeth when it returned.  My head was an orchastra pit.  Sounds echoed left and right as the conductor violently waved his arms up and down in and out faster and faster… I screamed!!!!!

then again I heard a voice.  “Go back to Georgia.”

I drove to work threw up and told my boss I was leaving, “I have to go to Georgia.”

After heading back home to pack and secure a “baby sitter” for our dogs and cats I was in the car.  I was backing out of the driveway when I said to God, “Alright, I heard you.  I’m on my way to Georgia.”  I put the car in drive and at that very moment the rage of pressure in my head and my stomach released and in its place was peace.  I must have praised the entire trip, because before I knew it I was pulling into Gainseville, GA.  Any trace of question or doubt or concern in regards to the state of my employment was not to be found.  On the inside was a pitcher of understanding and trust.  I didn’t understand the outcome or the reason or even the method, but I understood that God wanted me to trust him.  After all is said and dead what does steady employment really amount to? A lack of understanding and trust.