Hey guys! This being my first post I thought it would be great to answer some of the common questions I get when I tell people I will be going on the World Race.

What in the world is the World Race?

  • The World Race is a 11-month mission trip to 11 different countries. Each country our team will dive into the culture and community to serve the way God sees fit. We will trust the Lord that He will connect us to new people to form new relationships with people in each of the countries we go to. One of the objectives of the World Race is to share in community and build lifelong relationships with the people we meet. 

Why are you going?

  • I want to go! I believe God has been preparing me to go on an adventure like this ever since I was a kid. All of the experiences I have had leading up to this will be used in someone. God has a plan for my life and I am taking a step of faith in this direction trusting that God will work in my life through this trip. My previous ministry experience and going to a faith based college is something that I am excited to share with others. And lastly but most importantly, God has called me to go. I have spent a massive amount of time in prayer before deciding to go this trip and God has affirmed that He will bless this chapter in my life. I firmly believe that everyone in life is called to do some sort of ministry work, weather that be overseas or not.

What countries are you going to? When do you leave?

  • My team will leave in January. We will be going to Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Nepal, India, Ghana, Cote D’Ivorie, Belize, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

What are you going to do in each country?

  • I will be updating this blog during my whole trip to keep people who are interested updated on what I am doing. But each country will look different. We are ultimately placed wherever we are needed. Teaching English, construction and manual labor, evangelism, supporting local churches, prostitution ministries, and many more. Not every day is going to be jam packed, there will be slower days that included just talking and getting to know the community that I will be staying in. The great thing is that every day will be God centered.

What are you doing until you leave?

  • Working as much as I can and getting everything together before I go. Fundraising is a big part of the trip and I will work at trying to be fully funded.

How are you paying for this trip?

  • As you can see at the top this trip cost a lot of money. I recently graduated college and while I wish I could pay for this myself, I can’t. I have complete faith that God will provide for me financially. I will be fundraising up until I leave for the trip and am excited to see God give opportunities for people to help support missions work. 

What does the money cover?

  • The money that is raised will cover EVERYTHING. Practical cost for the trip, meals, lodging, travel (land, air, and sea), and medical coverage while overseas.

How can I donate?

  • There are a few options to help support me and donate. First you can donate online by simply clicking the “Donate!” button on the top of my blog. If you would rather pay by check, send me a message by text or Facebook and would be glad to help you out with that. If you do donate online, you can be a monthly donor or a one-time donor. If you feel that you can commit to partnering with me monthly, you are able to do an automatic transaction through your account. If you are a one-time donor, just enter you information and you will receive a confirmation email and receipt.

I read this blog and still have questions!

  • Message me directly at 952-564-5604 or friend me on Facebook and connect with me there.


Thanks for reading!