When I think of the model of what Church should look like, I go back to training camp. What happens when you crack open the Word of God and the body of Christ does exactly what it says? The Holy Spirit moves in Crazy ways.
Training camp was filled with excitement. From the start, we had a picture of what our mission trip will look like. I learned to shift everything and point it to the Father.
Setting up a tent, sleeping outside, showering outside, eating as a family, learning for long periods at a time, sacrificing my meal time to go get sharpened by older brothers in Christ, worship, all painted a beautiful picture of what Jesus did here in this earth.
Jesus Cristo came to serve and not to be served. And if it’s anything I have a desire to do, It’s to serve. However, sometimes I struggle with serving in a specific area for long amounts of time. My spirt wants to serve as many as I can but I can only move so fast. Lately I’ve been asking God to let me rest in my service. Knowing that he goes before me and he knows the desires of my heart, even when I feel that he doesn’t.
This brought me back to one word that has been resonating with me since camp, it’s HONOR. No matter if it’s one person or a multitude. Jesus wants me to honor wherever my feet are planted because I am a direct representation of him and that’s an HONOR in itself. I will HONOR my squad with my life. I will honor my mentor, coaches, and leaders. I will HONOR my hosts’ in Costa Rica, Cambodia, and Swaziland. I will HONOR the people of these countries.
No one deserves the Kingdom yet God grants us the opportunity to know him if we surrender our lives.