Where do I start? So much has been happening In my life in the last 3 weeks. Through work, family and friends. The time I’ve spent in the Austin area has been interesting. Being exposed to a much larger body of people and things to do. However, I’ve had to remain consistent. The times I’ve spent with family has been sweet. The times I’ve spent with friends( mainly from the race) has been sweet because we can speak heart to heart on a lot of things. And I would say the most important is recognizing that Jesus hasn’t left me and never will. 


This whole summer I’ve experienced a fight to get time with God. Not because he’s not there but because my obligations and responsibilities put on extra weight. And in that the lord has continued to be faithful, even when I don’t think I’m hearing him. Around April or may I submitted an application to team lead this years gap year racers. Not knowing much other than, “I need to keep doing this, this makes me come alive”. After weeks and weeks of prayer and seeking. I found that my heart was just longing for INTIMACY again. And that became the prayer for the majority of the time up till now. Just intimacy. I realized that God had given my a desire for people, and seeing them become like him.


Well about three weeks ago I got accepted to Alumni team lead gap C this fall in Gainesville, GA. And although it didn’t look exactly like the past launches I honestly didn’t care. The Lord has answered this amazing desire I have to love and commit to these bothers and sisters of mine. Now with this being said my excitement is still building. It’s been hard to see things clearly this whole year. But I know for a fact, that His character doesn’t change because our circumstances change. So I’m super hopeful for this fall, and ready to disciple and be discipled by the CHURCH. 


So I’m hoping these words give you some hope where you need it. And faith that Father isn’t done working for his kids. And I would love for you to come along side me on this opportunity!!! 


Here are some simple yet powerful ways to engage and help! 


  1. Prayer and intercession- this honestly shifts things that we can’t see. And allows you to talk with Jesus on the visions he sees for myself and our squad. Because this is definitely one part of a story God is writing. 
  2. Subscribing to my blog and to other squad mates blogs- This will allow you to be updated on what’s happening in Georgia, as we live, learn, and love. This will be a platform for so many testimonies that will take place. And updates on fundraising goals! 
  3. Fundraising- for Alumni team leading, my goal is to raise $2000 by December 1st, 2020. Which is superrrrr doable! And I know, with out doubt He will provide through generous gifts! And you can donate through this blog site as well! Even praying for finances is HUGE, and I know the lord honors that. 


Finally, thank you so much for taking time to read this, I seriously hope you’re encouraged to see that the Church is still hungry and is willing to follow Jesus, even in these crazy times. If you have any prayer requests and/or would like to hear more, I would be honored to share with you. Love you guys!