Wow. This past fall semester was absolutely a joy to lead. It was in fact some of the toughest work for me as a man. The opportunity was rich and abundant.
My role as a team leader was one of consistent discipleship. Consistent pouring into the men. Consistent communication with my co leader and leadership team. It taught me a lot of submission to the Lord. And probably the biggest thing was dependence on the voice of the Lord. It was so sick because I had the fear of the Lord in me, like I didn’t want to give anything to the men that was of me but of God. Which benefited both the guys and myself. I remember all the team times and one on ones we had where I would ask, “ok God, what do you want to say?” Simple yet powerful! The beauty of seeing 7 men of God be transformed by the voice and Spirit of God, was an honor. It made me bow before the Lord in reverence and awe.
As a member of C squad, the privilege was all mine. As I partnered with God and invested into our church, I got to see Holy Spirit come in and comfort, teach, and lead a group of radical believers. In fact, one word that always comes to mind when I think of C squad, is BOLD!!!! The decision in their mind to say, “hey, I’ve counted the cost and I’m going to take Jesus up on his invitation to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth”, just blew my mind, the CHILD LIKE FAITH!! Even now it blesses me as I write this because I know my God is their God and he’ll lead their life.
As a man, what can I say, almost everything pulled me into deeper intimacy and trust. And because God was exposing weaknesses in me, I always ended up at a cross roads, “will I look back or trust that the Lord is Immanuel and no matter how rough the waters get, he’ll continually say “I am with you, Brandon”. He really is faithful and bigger and better than we know sometimes.
C squad, thank you for pushing me and loving me the way Christ would, for receiving a brotha, for being my friends and family, for saying yes, for laying down in order to gain more of the Lord, for worshipping even when you didn’t feel like it, for being curious, for laughing and speaking life, for being bold.
Always will cherish this season,