This year is bringing so many new adventures my way, and I am getting so excited for the following months!

People keep asking me what my plans are following the World Race, and at this point my plans are to come back home, go back to my job at the hospital, and go back to school and work towards my nursing degree the following semester. While people continue to ask me that question and my answer pretty much remains the same, continually being asked that question makes me really think about my plans. 

I’ve been feeling called towards ministry for a while, which is why I pursued the world race. I’ve read about numerous places online that provide nursing jobs with ministry opportunities, and I can’t help but to say how intriguing that is to me. 

I can’t wait to see where this year takes me, all that I learn, and all that the Lord shows me. Come August 1st, I’ll be traveling to Atlanta for a few days of training, then my team and I will be on our way to South Africa. As the time grows closer, I get more and more excited about all the things I’ll be experiencing over those 11 months abroad.


Please continue to pray for me to grow in my faith and strength over these next 7 months as I prepare to leave for my trip.

Thank you for your continued love and support, it truly means the world to me! 

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