“Jesus is the Alpha from Whom all things in God are initiated, and Jesus is the Omega unto Whom all things of God find their purpose, their meaning, and their reason for being.

     Everything begins in Christ, and everything ends in Christ. He is the Beginning as well as the End.”  ~Chip Brogden

­ Life began when I was 23 and I am now 25. The Lord has led me to “The World Race!” And wow, I am joyfully overwhelmed by the prospect of it already! I’m certainly expecting the next nine months to be the shortest and longest of my life thus far. If I’ve said this once, even a hundred times, I must say it again… “I can’t quite wrap my brain around it.” Even if I could, I would not dare imagine what that year of my life in Christ holds. I know my simple mind could only imagine FAR LESS than the miraculous things He plans to do to me and through me! By His grace shall I give and receive… 

 “The weak are strong, the poor are rich, the last shall be first… persecution is cause for rejoicing. Our limits aren’t our limits at all. Fulfillment is found in God alone! He doesn’t promise us an easy road, just a narrow one without many other people on it.”


I am IN LOVE with LIFE. Know Him?:) I am in love with my beautiful Mother and my wonderful family! I’m in love with Peace and Joy. I am in love with Scripture. I’m in love with deep conversations and often in love with coffee. I’m in love with Michelle and I am in love with the gift of fellowship her and I share. I’m in love with the Spirit of God. I’m in love with Wisdom. I’m in love with Self-control. I’m in love with prayer. I’m in love with freedom. I’m in love with change. I’m in love with confidence. I’m in love with my job. I’m in love with the people I work with at my job. I’m in love with the changing of seasons (particularly summer into fall right now:)…  I’m in love with looking out into the sky. I’m in love with my friends and I’m in love with the children who belong to my friends! I’m in love with silence. I’m in love with big, open fields. I’m in love with a Narrow Path. I’m in love with men admitting to their weaknesses. I’m in love with humility. I’m IN love… “)

“I am crucified with Christ” (Galatians 2:20). I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me, but this Strength is only perfected in my weakness (cf. II Corinthians 12:9).

 “My grace is sufficient for thee.” Thank You Jesus!