Recently with the spring weather (and often crappy weather in central PA) I’ve noticed lots of creepy crawlies chillin out in various outposts around the house and garage. And I can’t help but think about what sort of little (and not-so-little) 6+ legged creatures I am going to be hanging out with on the world race. It doesn’t help that I watched a program on Nat Geo (National Geographic) on deadly snakes and spiders in India not too long ago (though I love snakes, I would not want to be bitten by one). I wish I didn’t but unfortunately I have a phobia of bugs, especially spiders. Call me whatever you’d like but I can’t seem to shake my tendency to scope out the corners of the rooms and such for my home-boys with 8 legs. Last summer at camp I had my fear under pretty good control, really trying to understand my fear and being curious about bugs and spiders, but having lived separate from most insects and arachnids for so long that pesky fear (might I go so far to say demon?) keeps tapping me on the shoulder.

So I was reading and praying tonight for my team and I “stumbled” upon Luke 10:19-20 then to Psalm 91. Check the actual references yourself if you have time, but here are the key verses: Luke 10:19- Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall hurt you. and Psalm 91:13- You will tread on the lion and the adder, the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot.

So long story short Christ is going to be with my team out in the world even when we meet up with some unattractive species and not only will we be around them but God (the creator of them all) will protect us from their many bites and such because we are His children. Jesus will be our bug spray because we KNOW Him (I can’t believe I just said something that cheesy…) Thank you, Lord, for protecting us.

Thanks for reading, everyone.