Going on the world race, I knew that I was going to be changed but I didn’t know just how much I was going to change.

My whole World Race journey was the most incredible year of my life as I not only crossed so many things off of my bucket list, but I also grew and transformed way more that I thought I would as I knew I would be changed, but not as much as I figured.  As a matter of fact, my life has done a total 180 since I have been back here in the States as God has called me to a new life direction, a direction in which I chose to trust in his process rather then my own, and that trust as led me to a new life that even as of 2 years ago I would have never imagined for myself.  

And that new life is that God has called me to is one of going into ministry as a ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church.  

This journey started in Albania where my team and I were serving at a Bible school, and it was during my time there that I felt the spirit move in me, and I realized that being around that place, and serving alongside the students and staff there was something that I really enjoyed.  As part of our duties each one of us was required to lead morning devotionals as well.  When I was giving mine one morning, I felt at ease up in front of everyone and that it seemed like I was in a trance while giving the word that the spirit had placed on my heart to talk about that day.  Later that night as I was doing my nightly vespers, I felt the spirit speak to me and it told me that God had indeed sealed the door shut on my retail career, and that he had a bigger plan for me, and that plan was to serve him in some way.  At the time I didn’t know what the spirit meant by this but I kept an open mind about those words and put my trust in what was said, and I would continue to pray about it in order to figure out what that plan was going to be for me & my life.

The next month while serving ATL in Serbia was the time in which I got the answer to that prayer about what exactly God wanted me to do in means of serving him, and that answer was to go onto and apply for seminary after the race to become an ordained pastor.  This was an awesome moment for me because I had finally realized just how much my heart had transformed, and that was something that only God could have done.  God did so much for me in Serbia, and I am so forever grateful.  In Romania God confirmed it all for me during my weekend in the mountains with our host for a weekend kids retreat.  

Back home, I began the process of researching seminaries until I narrowed down my search to 2 seminaries: Pittsburgh and Columbia (located outside of Atlanta GA).  I visited Columbia after a rather emotional PSL, and had a awesome visit there, while a few weeks later I visited Pittsburgh as well, and I also had a good visit.  I ended up applying to both of them, and I have excited to say that I have officially been accepted to both of them! I’m going to be enrolling in the Fall of this year, and hopefully planning on graduating in May of 2023 with my MDiv.

So yeah that is where my life is at right now.  

Til next time your fellow sister in Christ,


P Squad 5th Gen Alumni

Psalms 18:2