I’m on my way to never the same
More different today than I was yesterday
Tomorrow again I’ll continue to change
My life is in total and complete rearrange
Changed by the things my eyes have seen
As changed as the size of all my dreams
Only the beginning, that is true
As its obvious the Lord has a lot to do
Shape me, mold me, continue to refine
Who I am is not so easy to define
I’m over the fact that I’ll never again fit in
I’m well aware that I was not created to blend
Search me, try me, Lord please purify
Take me new places, continue to be my guide
So far I’ve seen people with nothing, give me their best
For I was sent by their Father, so they trust He’ll do the rest
I’ve seen people worship with every muscle, joint, and bone
People terminally ill say they know they’re not alone
I’ve been loved by children who hold nothing back
I’ve seen others who are under complete attack
Each person I see and each place that I go
Comes with a story that’s meant to help me grow
So for now there’s only one thing I can claim

And that’s that I’m on my way to never the same
Also I wanted to update you all on where we are and what’s going on this month.  After 80 plus hours of travel we finally arrived in Cambodia which is where we will be doing ministry the rest of this month.  Team BLING is staying at New Life in Christ/New Hope School and having a very busy yet great month.   We are doing a variation of things including some slum ministry, outreaches to some nearby villages, helping out with clinics, and teaching all levels of English everyday.  This is a very basic overview, and I promise more blogs are to come soon, but for now this poem is what best sums up all that is going on in my heart.  I love and miss you all and am praying for you!!! (sorry no pictures yet…)