The Basics. My
name is Blair Brendle and I’m from a small town just outside of Montgomery, AL. I was born and raised there, living in the
same house for as long as I can remember.
I have a wonderful family who has been there for me through it all and I
love and thank them for it! My mom is pretty much amazing and one of my dearest and closest friends.
She is the most patient person I have ever
met and displays grace and forgiveness in a way that I crave to one day understand. My dad is “Coach!” He is everything that title could possibly
mean and more. Through the world of
sports, both on and off the field, my dad has taught me more about life than I
can ever thank him for. I have two
younger sisters. The middle one, Brandy,
is by far the most hilarious person I have ever met in my entire life. Whenever the two of us are together, there is
sure to be a good time! Though we differ in many ways and have had our fair
share of ups and downs, we will always be sisters and in that I find great
comfort! The youngest is Blakely; she is
and always will be my baby sister. Although
she is a senior in high school, in my eyes she is still the little one that I
love so dearly. She is beautiful inside
and out and we too will forever have the sisterly bond. The three of us have
been through a lot together, but from playing school and house, to fighting
over clothes, to now being in three separate locations they have helped shape
me into who I am today! My extended
family (which are too many to name) are also pretty amazing and I thank them
for the continuous love and support they have shown to me. Currently I am a senior at Clemson University
on the Women’s Rowing Team. I have been
an athlete my entire life, but rowing for Clemson the past four years has been
a unique and extremely special experience that I will always remember. I have met some of my closest friends here
while at the same time learning more about myself than ever before.
The Fun Stuff. I love kids!! My favorite color is pink. I love English bulldogs. My favorite character is Strawberry
Shortcake. I love to sing (although
those who hear would rather I not). As
soon as I hear music I begin to dance. I
have amazing friends and I love doing just about anything with them! I absolutely love children! I teach 3rd and 4th
grade Sunday school and have worked at the coolest kamp in the world, Kids
Across America, the past two summers. I
love the beach, the lake, the mountains, and snow. I like to eat at Chick-fil-a. I like to drink
coffee at Jittery Joe’s. And I am head
over heels in love with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I love my Jesus. I grew up in a Christian home, and accepted
Christ into my heart in the 6th grade. However, it wasn’t until I was four hours
away from my comfortable Christian lifestyle that I realized how much I needed
a personal relationship with my Savior Jesus Christ. Midway through my sophomore year of college
God showed me what a Christ-follower actually looked like through different
ministries and people he perfectly placed in my life. I now proudly proclaim that I’m a daughter of the King and each new day my
Father in heaven reveals his majesty to me through all of creation. My faith has been put to the test time and
again yet He, as my rock and my salvation, has held on to me tightly holding
true to his promise that no one can snatch me from his hand (John 10:28). It is through this saving grace that God has
called me into a life of ministry. He has
filled my life with such joy that I can’t help but desire to pass on the hope
that comes only through Christ Jesus.
Matthew 28:19 “Go and make disciples of all nations…” pretty much sums
up my call to and my excitement for the World Race!
My favorite verse is Proverbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens iron,
so one man sharpens another.” This verse
has become my prayer for my future teammates and the journey we have laid out
before us.