Ladies and Gentlemen a.k.a. Whoever reads this blog I would like to introduce you to 6 amazing women whom I will be spending 11 months traveling the world with! After some pretty intensely creative days of team building activities at training camp, an announcement was made as the 54 of us were divided up into 8 smaller teams of 6-7 people. I have the joy, honor, challenge, and excitement of being on an all girls’ team and I would love to introduce them to all of you so that you can read their blogs, pray for them, and even possibly support them as we embark on this journey together.
This is Miss
Kara Frate!!!! Kara is a Southern Girl from McGregor, Texas. She is actually the baby of the whole squad which of course makes her extra special ;). She may be young, but she is RICH in passion, zeal, and fire for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. She will flourish this year as she is filled with the Holy Spirit which radiates onto all around her allowing her to be a light in the midst of darkness. SHINE ON baby girl!
This is Miss
Ashley Harris!!!! Ashley is a Virginia Girl who absolutely loves her little niece (pictured with her here). Ashley is my soul sister as we both love to dance and we both enjoy some good ‘ol gospel music! She has a beautiful smile and a listening ear like no other. This year, Ashley will share the love and complete acceptance that she has found solely in Christ to God’s people everywhere. Go BUCK girl!!!

This is Miss
Katie Sullivan!!!! Katie is our West Coaster from the lovely state of Washington. This girl is hilarious and keeps us laughing at all times. She has a true, solid, and pure JOY that comes only from having an intimate relationship with Jesus. She exemplifies Nehemiah 8:10! She is open and honest and ready to be stretched this year as she truly works as a servant wholeheartedly tending to her Father’s business. Her laughter is contagious and can put a whole room at ease with her genuine excited presence. Oh yea BRING IT!!!

This is Miss
Shannon Higgins!!!! Shannon is our Floridian city girl! She has a heart for teenagers and a desire for them to know and love the same Savior she does. She also knows a little something, something about counseling and God has been using her and growing her magnificently in this area. Her experience will be greatly appreciated by all of us this year, as I’m sure from her I will learn a lot. TEACH me GIRL!!!!
This is Miss
Kristen McKee!!!! Kristen is my fellow Alabamian as she is a graduate of Samford University and currently resides in Birmingham! She has the voice of an ANGEL and will constantly be leading our team as we sing praises daily! When I think of Kristen, I think of Galatians 5:1 as she truly demonstrates a FREEDOM that can be found in Christ alone. She has a heart for her boys in Peru, but is obedient, ready, and willing to share that amazing heart around the world this year. Let’s DO THIS!!!

This is Miss
Liz Froba!!!! Last but definitely not least, Liz is our Team Leader a New Jersey native currently residing in Charlotte, North Carolina! Liz is my workout partner who is committed to keeping me from gaining weight on the race, right?! On the real, Liz is an amazing woman of God who has definitely been blessed and gifted with the talent and skills needed to lead this team to Big Things this year! She’s feisty, funny, serious, deep, extraverted, and extremely easy to follow. LEAD ON Girl!!!
We are Team B.L.I.N.G. — Believeing, Loving, Inspiring, Nurturing, Girls Gaining Ground — and that’s exactly what we plan to do!
Please join our team through supporting us and praying for us as we impact nations for the kingdom.