Hello everyone!
Merry Christmas from Lodwar, Kenya!
Just a quick update:
Things here in Lodwar are going really well!  We are in the desert (literally) working with the Turkana people group.  We go out everyday into the desert to visit the various churches that have been planted and to do evangelism.  The first day of ministry, we walked around in the desert going from village to village encouraging and praying for the Turkana people.  (I have a new found respect and understanding for what it was like for the Israelites to wander in the desert!) It’s HOT here!!!  The last two days we have gone to two different churches to preach to the women and children.  It is really awesome to witness their worship!  It is very Tribal African….lots of singing and dancing and worship in Turkana!!!  Yesterday they (the Turkana People) were praying, in Turkana, and the Holy Spirit just fell on the place.  People started speaking in tongues.  There has been a huge outbreak of Malaria here so we laid hands on many and prayed for Healing in Jesus Name!  They are on fire for God!  They don’t have a written Bible so they desperately crave any nugget of truth they receive from The Word of God.  They are thirsty for more of Jesus like they thirst for water….literally.  Jesus is all they have.
Continue to pray for us that God would continue to speak and work through us!  Pray for the Turkana people….they are desperate for rain…and for drinkable water.  Most babies (of which there are lots) are very malnurished, most have Malaria, or some other illness.  They desperately need Jesus to intervene…they have no other options.  Pray for us..Teams Dunamis and Quake.  We are adjusting to the heat, but pray for continued health.  We have been blessed…we are staying at the Pastor’s house, very nice amidst the grass huts!  (a cement house!)  We have clean water to drink everyday, and good food to eat, and a safe place to rest our heads at night…God has provided all of our basic needs!  (and a 20 minute walk into town will buy you a COLD COKE for just 40 Kenyan Shillings!) (less than a US dollar!)  Our teams are working well together and really enjoying each other this month.  Pray that we would continue to seek the Lord’s heart together as a family!
On another note:
Christmas is approaching and I would LOVE to receive some letters….pictures…or drawings from the young ones!  You can send mail to:
Adventures in Missions
The World Race- G squad
C/o Beverly Rhoades
6000 Wellspring Trail
Gainesville, GA  30506
I will probably not get this mail until Debrief at the end of January….but I would LOVE letters, cards, and anything else special you can fit into an envelope!!
Love and miss everyone!  Have a Merry Christmas!