“There are two kinds of
people: those who say to God, “Thy will be done,” and those to whom God
says, “All right, then, have it your way” – C.S Lewis
I heard this quote about a year ago… and it resonated with me, but not until recently did I actually understand in depth its meaning.
 In Mark Chapter 10, Jesus meets these two types of people,  a rich young man and Bartimaeus.
He meets a rich young man first, who asks how he can live with Jesus eternally. He tells Jesus that he has been a good person and done many good works, but when Jesus, who loved him deeply, tells him he lacks ” one thing“..to “go and sell all you (he) has and give the money to the poor, and you (he) will have treasures in heaven. Then come, follow me (Jesus) “
It says “the man’s face fell, and he went away sadly away because he had many possessions
Then a little while later, as Jesus is leaving the town of Jericho, he hears the shouts of a blind, and desperate beggar on the streets, named Bartimaeus. The crowd tries to shut him up, but he shouts even louder. He shouts ” Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Instead of Jesus hurrying to his destination, and ignoring him, he stops everything and hears the beggars request. Jesus asks him “What do you want me to do for you?” and the beggar emphatically replies ” I want to see!”. Jesus answers his request and says “Your faith has made you whole“.
Does the once blind man go his own way? Does he take what Jesus did for granted? Nope…The Bible says “He followed Jesus down the road”
Two kinds of people: The rich young man and the blind beggar.
So what thing set them apart? Them seeing their need for a Savior.
The rich young man saw his earthly possessions as “enough” he believed he had no need. His heart lied in those treasures. He didn’t want to leave his comfortable, safe, good lifestyle for one that would be challenging, exciting, and best. So not only does he miss out on an abundant life here on earth, but an eternal one with Jesus (which by the way, we all know his earthly possessions will not be accompanying him.)
The blind beggar..he saw his need. He was in need. He needed to “see”. He needed direction in life. He realized no matter how many good deeds he did, he was still a sinner who needed a perfect Savior, which is why he shouted “Have mercy on me!” And because he realized his need, he was able to have an abundant life of vision, and  an eternal one after.
 So this just boils down to the question. Which of these two people are you?
Do you believe you have all you need? But do you still feel there has to be something more than the life you’re living? If the rich young man was truly content with his life, why would he go and ask Jesus how to live with him eternally? He knew there was something more than what he had, and yet still, sadly he thought the cost was too high a price to pay. Jesus didn’t run after him, or try to persuade him. But Jesus’ heart just broke for him, seeing another person choose temporary materialism over eternal bliss.
Do you see your need for a Savior? For something more than what this life has to offer, and you’re willing to pay any price to receive it? Then you’re in a perfect position for Jesus to stop and ask you “What can I do for you?”, because your faith in Him will make you whole.
Bartimaeus humbly and desperately told Jesus “have your way”.. and Jesus with a loving and broken heart ,told the rich young man “alright, have it your way
God’s heart is speaking to yours today..Choose the way of Bartimaeus
Agenda: Love,