One of the great ministries we were able to be apart of in the Philippines was a gangster ministry. My friend Richard, (the one who helped my team at the waterfall, to help connect the dots) is the man whose heart drives this ministry. The ministry is called MYTC, Malaybalay Youth Transformation in Christ.

 Richard started this ministry 3 years ago after going to Bible school, and feeling the Lord lead him back to minister in the streets he once inhabited as a gangster for about 7 yrs. He came from a broken home, his dad was killed by his grandfather and his mother married an alcoholic, so Richard left home as a boy to live in the streets and joined a gang to fill the void of family.

That is the story of most of these kids…they are kids…who come from broken homes and desire to have families and to be loved. So they create their own “gang” and do what they need to do to survive together. That’s why the MYTC has such a great task ahead, they must draw in these young men and women who are desperately seeking the things of this world to satisfy their longing to belong and show them that Christ has purpose and meaning for their lives.

 They need love…and who better to learn from then JesusJ

When I first met these kids/teens they looked so hard, not wanting to let anyone in, so I slowing kept trying to talk and laugh with them. When the dancing started is when they opened up!! They sure do know how to dance and through down some beats J These kids are so talented.

The one my heart fell in love with was named Jonel, he was 12 yrs old and has been in the gang since he was 9! Even though he is only 12, he carries an authority with him. He lives a crazy life with no family for support so he lives on the streets. My heart couldn’t help but love him. He should be in school, in 6th grade! Yet the life he lives is beyond any 12 yr old I know. 

 Jonel tattooed his arm with my name and gave me his only bear as a rememberance gift! He is so precious!

It was simply amazing to see how the Lord had blessed Richard’s ministry, Richard is truly a man after God’s own heart. Every day, without cease, Richard goes to the plaza where the kids play ball, come back drunk or high, where some sleep, and where the love of Jesus is needed most. Richard builds their trusts, and he teaching them what it means to live a righteous life led by the Lord. Because of how Richard shows them Christ’s love in the midst of their brokenness, these gangsters have learned to come to him with troubles and advice so he gets to turn them to Jesus. It’s a wonderful thing! He has almost all the different gangs in the city coming on Sunday nights, and he has them put down their agendas with opposite gangs, learn about Jesus, and choose to love eachother.
Richard and I:

The crazy thing is they come!!! They come, sometimes with weapons…haha… but regardless they are there and hearing God’s word and learning how to live by faith by Richard’s example. Richard literally lives by faith alone; barely a penny to his name yet his heart is exploding with love for these youth. Richard is a walking example of Jesus; he gives up all he has in hope that the Lord would be the one to change the lives of these kids. He lives the life of a true disciple and I am so honored to call a man like that my brother in Christ!

Please be praying for these gangsters:

          that one day they would be the ones leading the MYTC

          for salvation and total transformation from drugs/alcohol

          for Jonel, that he would serve Jesus and be a warrior of the Lord

          for strength and endurance for Richard
These boys were so amazing! Praise the Lord that Richard is there to show them the light of Christ

Matt 17: 10-14 -We once were lost but now found!