Kampot Youth Retreat

We serve an amazing God who is real and true!

My team saw that in Cambodia in incredible ways!

As most of you know from the previous blog, our ministry
contact Vuthy, was planning a youth retreat for the teens in the village. These
teens had never been on a retreat, never experienced anything like it before,
so we planned…prayed…and petitioned you all to be a part of making the retreat
happen. The Lord Showed up! Let me tell you, the goal was to raise $500 in
order to have the retreat for 30 students. We ended up getting…

$830!!! So we were able to bring 49 teens plus the next
weekend Vuthy ended up having another retreat for the younger children since he
had the money. God is so faithful

THANK YOU, THANK YOU! To all who financially gave and
who  were praying for the retreat. The
Lord blessed it abundantly.

The youth retreat was a great time for the youth to get to
know one another better, to enjoy themselves, and to share in their faith
together. We left on Sat and drove in two 15 passenger vans…did I say we had 49
people!! Ya it was a tight rideJ

We drove for 2 hrs until we got to Kep province, there the
kids swam at the beach, then we had a night of worship and testimonies. Carmen
shared why she believed in Jesus, then all the students went around and shared
why they believed in Jesus Christ. Some said because He is true, others that He
is the Savior, He created the World, He has done miracles in their lives, He
has helped them pass exams and some said they just started believing and didn’t
know why yet, which I loved. Those students are seeking truth and they are
finding it! Praise God.

Sunday we started the morning off with worship, then took
the kids to a zoo and water fall down which was more like a riverJ  

Now when I say zoo, don’t picture the zoo in the states. Basically
you could touch anything or pet all the animals you wanted to. I was freaking
out cause these huge monkeys were reaching through the fence and trying to
touch us and almost grabbed Leyna’s camera! I’ll put some pics up so you can
see what I mean 😉 I’m still amazed no one’s hand got bit off!! Haha.

All in all it was a weekend of joy and laughter. These youth
saw the Lord provide the finances they were praying for. Our God is real, and
the youth saw that too.

One of my main prayers for the village of Kampot was for God’s
glory to be revealed to them. In my mind I was picturing physical healings and
was a bit discouraged when those things didn’t happen, yet looking back I see
that God did reveal His glory. He raised more than enough money, he gave Vuthy favor
with the chief and elders of the village, who are very open minded to
Christianity, and the village was blessed by our love. Sometimes prayers turn
out a little different, His ways are always greater!


Thank you Lord for the ways you showed your glory to these
students and thank you sponsors for all your support and love! 

25 people in a 15 passenger van! 

Me with some of the youth

the scary monkey that almost grabbed me! haha

not like the USA!