Hello everyone!! Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, life has
been a bit nuts!!

Oh, what a Marvelous May!!!

May 1st– Spoke at Kingsway’s youth group

May 8th– 3 of my friends and I ran the
Indianapolis Mini Marathon

May 15th I graduated from Lincoln Christian
University! Woot woot, it
was a wonderful day and still seems surreal, but it is a great feeling to be
done with school, I will tell you that. 

May 20th– 22nd Training for working
with CIY all summer

May 29th– camping with my familyJ


I have been speaking at church youth groups, selling
bracelets, working at Curves, and hanging out with my family as much as
possible. It has been so much fun to be home and to see my little kiddos, they
get cuter everyday!


Last weekend I had my first benefit yard sale on Friday and
made about $600! It was lots of work but for $600 it was totally worth it.
Lydia Norby was my God send too! She came and stayed the night with me then got
up at 5:45 am to help set up and work all day! THANK YOU LYDIA! Your


This weekend, I am having another yard sale Sat, June12th,
plus a car wash from 10-2pm, its gonna be HUGE. It’s at the Nehemiah Project
Church on Dan Jones Rd in Avon,
from 8-4
. Please be praying that lots of people come and that we make $2,000!!
That’s my goalJ

 People have been so
generous and donated all kinds of items. Thank you to everyone for your
donations! Its such a blessing to watch God’s church come together and help.


Something that I got to do a few weeks ago was speak at my
niece Nevaeh’s 1st grade class, and share about the Threads of Hope
bracelets. My sister-in-law Leslie bought all the kids bracelets and I shared
with the class how they were helping orphans in the Philippines, one little
girl said she wanted to help more, so she got in her purse and have me 30
cents! Ha, it was so precious!! Here are the pics from that fun day! 


Thank you for your prayers, God is providing opportunities
and I am working super hard to do all I can to make these next few months at home


Please be praying for me this next week, its my last week
home until I go for Christ in Youth Conferences all summer (8 wks). I need to
get lots done before CIY starts! Have a fabulous day…I LOVE SUMMER TIME!