Happy Thanksgiving!! 

It’s amazing that its Thanksgiving Day 2010 and I am sitting in a Coffee Bean in Penang, Malaysia where I can see the beach! So strange not to be home cooking and watching the Macy’s Day parade…I have to admit its a bit sad and definitely makes me wish I could teleport myself home for the day:) But the Lord has me here for such a time as this, so I will be thankful in my circumstance and Rejoice!! 
Well, since it is Thanksgiving and laughter is one of the things I am most thankful for…I thought I would share a funny moment that happened today:)
This morning my team and I were at a prayer meeting with the staff of the organization we are working with. We had been praying for a few hours and one of the things we did was called rapid prayer. Rapid prayer is when you go up to the mic and pray a short 10-15 sec prayer for the topic we had been talking about. So I get in line and started praying on the microphone, I was praying a sincere heart felt prayer about the youth of Malaysia. I was praying for their hearts but instead of saying hearts I said “Lord, please set their farts on fire!” then I started laughing and just handed the mic off to the next person cause I couldn’t even try to recover from that! Everyone started laughing and the little British lady behind me couldn’t even pray next cause she was laughing so hard!! Oh the life of Bethany! 
Hope that gave you a little chuckle on your cold Thanksgiving Day! 
I am so thankful for the life the Lord has blessed me with! So many things to praise Him for!
Enjoy your turkey! I get Chili’s tonight..chips and salsa baby! I’m pumped:) 
Love you!

Chilling in Siem Reap getting all the dead skin off my feet by little fish! haha

Fried Cambodian Tarantula!! it was nasty!!