Welcome to my blog and my first official post! If you don’t already know, this gap year mission trip consists of traveling for nine months with the goal of spreading the love of Jesus all across the globe. I’ve grown up with the best parents who have taken me to church every single week and taught me the importance of that. I have gone on multiple mission trips through my church and I absolutely love them. You build a special community with the people that you serve alongside, but also with the people you meet through serving. I have found that mission trips are so special because the people around you have a common goal of furthering the kingdom.Through that I have been pushed out of my comfort zone and done things that wouldn’t be possible without the encouragement of my peers and God leading us in those situations. I am so excited to be going on a nine month mission trip and I can’t wait to build a new community with people from all over also embarking on this journey. I know God is going to use us in indescribable ways I am honored to be a part of it! 

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid: do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9